Further reading Staphylothermus
1 further reading
1.1 scientific journals
1.2 scientific books
1.3 scientific databases
further reading
scientific journals
burggraf s; huber h; stetter ko (1997). reclassification of crenarchael orders , families in accordance 16s rrna sequence data . int. j. syst. bacteriol. 47 (3): 657–660. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-3-657. pmid 9226896.
fiala g; stetter ko; jannasch hw; langworthy ta; et al. (1986). staphylothermus marinus sp. nov. represents novel genus of extremely thermophilic submarine heterotrophic archaebacteria growing 98°c . syst. appl. microbiol. 8: 106–113. doi:10.1016/s0723-2020(86)80157-6.
zillig w; stetter ko; prangishvilli d; schafer w; et al. (1982). desulfurococcaceae, second family of extremely thermophilic, anaerobic, sulfur-respiring thermoproteales . zentralbl. bakteriol. parasitenkd. infektionskr. hyg. abt. 1 orig. c3: 304–317.
scientific books
scientific databases
pubmed references staphylothermus
pubmed central references staphylothermus
google scholar references staphylothermus
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