Outcome Krejci Dump
remediated area of former krejci dump
because of extensive contamination, , on-going identification cleanup proceeded, nps has made numerous predictions end-date cleanup , remediation of areas. example, in july 2011 predicted krejci dump site in final stages of revegetation in spring of 2012. wasn t until august 2012 nps declared comprehensive post-excavation soil sampling effort establishes remediation goals 46-acre former dump site have been met, and, final steps necessary restore site may begin, including final grading; re-vegetation using native meadow grasses, forbs , shrubs; , restoration of 3 acres of wetland , wet meadow habitats. ohio division of environmental response , revitalization (derr) had projected end-date of sometime in 2012.
the ultimate goal of nps have site appear have, native plants , wetlands covering area. upon completion of cleanup, site restored natural conditions consistent surrounding park habitat, , restrictions on public access removed.
the recent update nps dated february 3, 2015:
the remediation of krejci dump site has benefitted park , public. has become model remediation in nps; taking contaminated former industrial site, restoring ecology native condition (including 3 acres of wetland , wet meadow habitats) unrestricted use park visitors, animals , plants alike, , transforming additional open space can used recreation [n]ear urban environment. responsible parties continue control erosion , invasive plants until re-vegetation performance standards met.
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