Climate Boracay
map of boracay island.
weather in boracay divided 2 seasonal weather patterns known locally amihan , habagat seasons. in visayan language, amihan means cool northeast wind, , habagat means west or southwest wind; southwest monsoon. amihan season characterized moderate temperatures, little or no rainfall, , prevailing wind northeast. habagat season characterized hot , humid weather, frequent heavy rainfall, , prevailing wind west.
on boracay, main indicator of switch between amihan , habagat seasonal patterns switch in wind direction. in years transition abrupt , occurs overnight. in years there period of perhaps week or 2 wind switch between amihan , habagat patterns several times before settling pattern new season. rule of thumb, boracay in amihan weather pattern sometime in october sometime in june , in habagat weather pattern remainder of year.
daytime temperatures on boracay range 77–90 °f (25–32 °c) beginning of amihan season february or march, , increase 82–100 °f (28–38 °c) range onset of habagat season. during tropical storm periods, temperatures can fall below 68 °f (20 °c). tropical storms can impact boracay @ time of year, seen during habagat season.
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