Features of CSLA Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture
1 features of csla
1.1 smart data
1.2 rules engine
1.3 object persistence
1.4 metastate maintenance
1.5 n-level undo
1.6 business rule tracking
features of csla
smart data
a business object encapsulates data , behavior (business logic , rules) associated object represents. example, orderedit object contain data , business rule implementations necessary application correctly allow user edit order information.
rules engine
the csla .net framework provides rules engine supports validation rules, business rules, , authorization rules. these rules attached object instances or properties, , automatically invoked csla .net when necessary. validation rules may implemented using csla .net rule engine, or through use of dataannotations feature of microsoft .net.
object persistence
data creation, retrieval, updates, , deletes (crud) performed defined methods of business object associated data testing. data access logic separated business logic, typically using repository pattern or other mainstream object-oriented programming techniques.
metastate maintenance
csla .net manages metastate each business object. example, each business object tracks information when new (it represents data hasn t been saved yet) , when dirty (it needs saved database either because new or because member data has been changed since last loaded). business objects can marked deletion can later deleted (for example when user has pressed button confirming or intention delete rows.)
n-level undo
this feature makes possible object or collection of objects maintain collection of states. allows object revert previous states. can useful when user wants undo previous edits multiple times in application. feature can allow user redo multiple edits undone.
this feature can provide rich functionality desktop application , web applications. 1 note of caution consider overhead high-transaction web-based applications. n-level undo capability require storing previous state of application accessed reflection. common practice in desktop applications changes must applied . in web based designs, added storage may pose unnecessary overhead changes submitted in batch , not require same level of undo capability.
business rule tracking
allows objects maintain collections of broken rule objects. broken rules exist object until in valid state, meaning ready persisted database. brokenrule objects associated validation logic such ensuring no alphabetic characters entered phone number field. example, if account object has phonenumber property, , property assigned phone number alphabetic characters, account object s isvalid property become false (making impossible save database) , new brokenrule object created , assigned account s broken rules collection. rule disappear when invalid phone number corrected making account object capable of saving database.
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