Outline 16PF Questionnaire
1 outline
1.1 item format
1.2 administration
1.3 scoring
1.4 interpretation
the recent edition of sixteen personality factor questionnaire (16pf), released in 1993, fifth edition (16pf5e) of original instrument. self-report instrument first published in 1949; second , third editions published in 1956 , 1962, respectively; , 5 alternative forms of fourth edition released between 1967 , 1969.
the goal of fifth edition revision in 1993 to
update, improve, , simplify language used in test items;
simplify answer format;
develop new validity scales;
improve psychometric properties of test, including new reliability , validity data; and
develop new standardization sample (of 10,000 people) reflect current u.s. census population.
the 16pf fifth edition contains 185 multiple-choice items written @ fifth-grade reading level. of these items, 76% 4 previous 16pf editions, although many of them re-written simplify or update language. item content typically sounds non-threatening , asks simple questions daily behavior, interests, , opinions.
item format
a characteristic of 16pf items that, rather asking respondents self-assess personality instruments (e.g., warm , friendly person; not worrier; tempered person. ), tend instead ask daily, concrete situations, e.g.:
when find myself in boring situation, tune out , daydream other things. true/false.
when bit of tact , convincing needed people moving, m 1 it. true/false.
cattell argued self-ratings relate self-image, , affected self-awareness, , defensiveness 1 s actual traits. 16pf provides scores on 16 primary personality scales , 5 global personality scales, of bi-polar (both ends of each scale have distinct, meaningful definition). instrument includes 3 validity scales:
a bi-polar impression management (im) scale,
an acquiescence (acq) scale, and
an infrequency (inf) scale.
the reasoning ability (factor b) items appear @ end of test booklet separate instructions, because items have right , wrong answers
administration of test takes 35–50 minutes paper-and-pencil version , 30 minutes computer. test instructions simple , straightforward , test un-timed; thus, test self-administrable , can used in either individual or group setting. 16pf test designed adults @ least age 16 , older, there parallel tests various younger age ranges (e.g., 16pf adolescent personality questionnaire).
the 16pf questionnaire has been translated more 30 languages , dialects. test can administered in different languages, scored based on either local, national, or international normative samples, , computerized interpretive reports provided in 23 different languages. test has been culturally adapted (rather translated) in these countries, local standardization samples plus reliability , validity information collected locally , presented in individual manuals.
the test can hand-scored using set of scoring keys, or computer-scored mailing-in or faxing-in answer sheet publisher ipat . there software system can used administer, score, , provide reports on test results directly in professional s office; , internet-based system can provide administration, scoring, , reports @ internet-enabled computer in range of different languages.
there dozen computer-generated interpretive reports can used interpret test different purposes, example,
the career development report,
the karson clinical report,
the cattell comprehensive personality interpretation,
the teamwork development report,
the management potential report,
the security selection report, and
the leadership coaching report.
there many books test interpretation, example,
16pf interpretation in clinical practice (karson, karson, & o dell, 1997),
the 16pf: personality in depth (cattell, h.b., 1989), and
essentials of 16pf (cattell, h.e. & schuerger, j.m, 2003)
the 16pf traits included in psychological evaluation questionnaire (peq), combines measures of both normal , abnormal personality traits 1 test (cattell, cattell, cattell, russell, & bedwell, 2003)
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