Uses and symbolism Pinus monophylla

anchor chain formerly used deforestation clearing of single-leaf pinyon woodlands in western nevada

pinus monophylla pollen cones on spruce mountain, nevada


during mid-nineteenth century, many pinyon groves cut down make charcoal ore-processing, destroying traditional lifestyle of native americans depended on them food. when railroads penetrated these areas, imported coal supplanted locally produced charcoal.

following resulting re-establishment of pinyon woodlands after charcoal era, many cattle ranchers became concerned these woodlands provided decreased livestock forage in grazing rangeland. efforts clear these woodlands, deforestation using surplus battleship chain dragged between 2 bulldozers, peaked in 1950s, subsequently abandoned when no long term forage increase resulted. habitat destruction of large areas of pinyon woodlands in interests of mining , cattle ranching seen many act of major ecological , cultural vandalism.


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