Graduate study American Jewish University
1 graduate study
1.1 lieber school of graduate studies
1.2 graduate center education
1.3 ziegler school of rabbinic studies
graduate study
the lieber school of graduate studies
the lieber school of graduate studies offers programs in nonprofit management , jewish communal studies. students may earn master of business administration degree in nonprofit management, or students have earned master of arts degree in other field may earn m.a. in nonprofit management. lieber school offers m.a. in jewish communal studies, consists of studies of management skills jewish texts, history, , sociology.
the m.b.a. can combined m.a. in jewish communal studies , other graduate degrees (see below).
graduates of program take leadership positions in management of variety of non-profit organizations.
graduate center education
the graduate center education @ american jewish university prepares educators create , articulate compelling vision jewish education , apply knowledge, skills, creativity , leadership needed bring vision life. fingerhut school of education offers both full , part-time master of arts in education (maed), half-time master of arts in teaching (mat), , dual maed , mba in nonprofit management degree. in addition, graduate center education offers various certificate , continuing education initiatives experienced educators.
the ziegler school of rabbinic studies
in addition rabbinic ordination recognized rabbinical assembly of conservative judaism, ziegler school offers programs culminating in awarding of master of arts in rabbinic studies. degree may combined m.a.ed. or m.b.a. programs. ziegler school encompasses miller introduction judaism program, supports considering converting judaism, jews wish reconnect heritage.
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