Temple ordinances Temple (LDS Church)
the laie hawaii temple fifth oldest latter-day saint temple , first built outside north american continent. 1 of 3 temples designed solomon s temple in scripture , 1 of few temples without spires.
lds church members perform rituals (termed ordinances) within temples. taught temple ordinances essential achieving condition of exaltation after final judgment. taught vast number of dead souls exist in condition termed spirit prison, , dead individual upon whom temple ordinances completed have chance freed of imprisoning condition. in framework ordinances said completed on behalf of either participant, or dead individual same sex participant ( on behalf of dead or proxy ).
ordinances performed in temple include:
baptism , confirmation on behalf of dead
melchizedek priesthood ordination on behalf of dead
washing , anointing (also known initiatory ordinances)
the endowment
sealing ordinances (for opposite-sex couples , parents , children)
most ordinances performed proxy on participants have completed ordinance. similarly, ordinances completed 1 time participant in lifetime , subsequent temple ordinance participation seen acting dead individual. baptism, confirmation, , priesthood ordination performed in temples when on behalf of dead. initiatory, endowment, , sealing ceremonies today performed within temple.
the sealing ordinance can performed on behalf of dead couples; long 2 living participants of opposite sex need not married. performed on behalf of living couples wish legally married. in manner, ordinance typically performed celestial marriage, idea marriage bond lasts after death, or time , eternity . time modification can made ordinance, such when surviving widow of celestial marriage wishes legally remarry. if children born couple prior couple s sealing ceremony, parents , children may sealed form eternal family unit. children born couple after sealing ceremony considered automatically sealed parents, or born in covenant .
in addition ordinances listed above, 19th century temples host other ordinances such baptism health, baptism renewal of covenants, , second anointing. in 1922, heber j. grant discontinued practice of baptisms health in church. second anointing never available general membership , part discontinued late 1940s.
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