Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Velvet Sky
when total nonstop action wrestling (tna) announced creation of women s division in 2007, szantyr, using talia madison ring name, announced 1 of ten wrestlers in 10-woman gauntlet match crown first tna knockouts champion @ bound glory pay-per-view. before show, made non-wrestling appearances on october 5 episode of tna today , october 11 episode of impact!, standing @ ringside debut match of amazing kong along other gauntlet match participants. in weeks following gauntlet match, ring name changed velvet sky.
at december turning point pay-per-view, sky , angelina love formed alliance , dubbed velvet love entertainment, later renamed beautiful people. after defeating odb , roxxi laveaux in show, love , sky assisted gail kim in match against awesome kong. assisted kim again after match against kong on december 6 episode of impact!, , @ final resolution pay-per-view, helping stop post-match brawl.
sky (right) , angelina love beautiful people in july 2008
on march 13 episode of impact!, sky , love attacked roxxi laveaux , later night gail kim, becoming villainous characters first time. @ lockdown, sky , love participated in first ever queen of cage match, won laveaux, when pinned love inside cage. sky , love participated in make on battle royal-ladder match @ sacrifice, won gail kim. around time, sky , love added factor gimmicks, placing brown paper bags on opponents heads after defeating them. after, moose joined beautiful people, removed stable , tna roster after suffering injury on independent circuit. on july 17 episode of impact!, sky won knockouts battle royal become number 1 contender tna knockouts championship, lost title match next week, 2 more title matches following, then-champion taylor wilde.
the beautiful people began associating cute kip, become known fashionist . @ bound glory iv, beautiful people , cute kip defeated odb, rhaka khan, , rhino. in march 2009, team gained new member in madison rayne, while kip fired stable twice in following month before becoming road agent company. sky in love s corner when defeated kong , wilde win tna knockouts championship @ lockdown. sky in love s corner @ slammiversary, helped defeat tara spraying hairspray in eyes. @ hard justice, sky, along love, competed in tag match against odb , cody deaner in losing effort when deaner pinned sky, resulting in love losing knockouts championship odb. after loss, madison rayne kicked out of beautiful people, pair vowing revenge in upcoming tournament tna knockouts tag team championship. last of 4 quarter final matches pitted beautiful people against rayne , mystery partner, later revealed returning roxxi. regardless, beautiful people won match , advanced semi-finals.
sky (right), madison rayne (left) , lacey von erich (center) in december 2009
after match taped, love released tna contract due work visa issues. on last episode of impact! taped before release, love , sky advanced finals of tag team tournament defeating tara , christy hemme after interference madison rayne. afterwards, rayne apologized both sky , love, , welcomed beautiful people. @ no surrender, sky , rayne defeated in finals of tournament sarita , taylor wilde. on october 1, love s replacement lacey von erich made debut , joined beautiful people. love return company on january 14, 2010, episode of impact!, instead of re-joining beautiful people, attacked them, turning love face.
on march 8 episode of impact!, sky , rayne defeated teams of love , tara , sarita , taylor wilde in three-way match win vacant tna knockouts tag team championship, after interference daffney. 3 members of beautiful people defended titles under freebird rule. on april 5 episode of impact!, sky 1 of 4 winners of first lockbox showdown elimination tag match. box opened contained contract sky challenge of choosing @ time, regardless of stipulation. sky announced using contract face new knockouts champion angelina love in leather , lace match following week. sky , madison rayne scheduled receive shot @ knockouts championship @ lockdown, beautiful people turned leather , lace match three-on-one beat down, in order soften love pay-per-view following sunday. @ pay-per-view, rayne , sky defeated love , tara, , rayne became new knockouts champion. sky faced love once again on june 24 episode of impact, , won disqualification after receiving ddt onto steel chair, von erich previous week.
sky tna knockouts tag team championship belt
in summer of 2010, sky began showing signs of face turn, when rayne began talking down , von erich, declaring did not need either of them, , recruited mystery woman hiding behind motorcycle helmet in feud angelina love. on july 22 episode of impact!, sky refused go along rayne, mystery woman , sarita, when finished assaulting love , taylor wilde.
on august 5 episode of impact!, sky , von erich lost tna knockouts tag team championship hamada , taylor wilde, when rayne s , mystery woman s interference backfired. following week, sky cemented face turn attacking mystery woman during rayne s title match angelina love, , in doing caused distraction, cost rayne knockouts championship. on august 19 episode of impact!, sky reunited angelina love, accompanying ring , helping defend knockouts championship against rayne. after match, sky , love beaten down rayne , mystery woman.
rayne s mysterious ally unmasked tara on september 2 episode of impact!, when 2 of them defeated sky , love in first match in year. @ no surrender, sky defeated rayne in singles match. lacey von erich join sky , love, after being saved them rayne , tara on september 16 episode of impact!. von erich, however, leave promotion 2 months later on november 11.
in october, sky entered feud sarita, score back–to–back pinfall victories on over october 28 , november 4 episodes of impact!, first in six-knockout tag team match , in singles match. on december 9 episode of impact! sky , love defeated sarita , daffney in first round match of tournament vacant knockouts tag team championship, sky still unable pin sarita. 2 weeks later, sarita attacked sky prior , love s tournament final match. result, winter, had been stalking love past months, took sky s place in match , teamed love defeat madison rayne , tara win knockouts tag team championship. following week, sarita defeated sky in strap match. on january 27 episode of impact!, sky brawled winter, claiming trying break beautiful people. sarita pinned sky once again on february 17 episode of impact! in tag team match, teamed rosita. after match, sky challenged sarita one–on–one match, agreed put career on line. on march 3 episode of impact!, sky able defeat sarita in singles match, salvaging career in process. on march 13 @ victory road, sky inadvertently cost love , winter knockouts tag team championship in match against sarita , rosita. on march 24 episode of impact!, winter, seemingly having control on love s actions, prevented saving sky beat down @ hands of sarita , rosita. on april 7 episode of impact!, love, still under winter s influence, turned heel on sky during knockouts tag team championship match against sarita , rosita, , left pinned champions, ending beautiful people.
tna knockout championship pursuits (2011–2012)
on april 28 episode of impact!, angelina love defeated sky submission in singles match, no-selling of opponent s offense during match. on may 5 episode of impact!, sky pinned winter in two–on–three handicap match, teamed kurt angle face winter, love , jeff jarrett, announcing intention of becoming tna knockouts champion in process.
sky in 2011
on may 19 episode of impact wrestling, sky defeated love , winter in two–on–one handicap match, afterwards attacked returning odb, claimed had gotten fired tna previous june because of sky. sky , odb faced each other in singles match on june 9 episode of impact wrestling, sky emerging victorious.
the following week, sky , ms. tessmacher failed in attempt win tna knockouts tag team championship rosita , sarita due interference odb. afterwards, sky beaten down odb , new tag team partner, jacqueline. on june 12 episode of impact wrestling, sky , tessmacher defeated jacqueline , odb in tag team match. feud seemingly ended on july 7 episode of impact wrestling, when sky defeated odb , jacqueline in two–on–one handicap match, forcing both of them out of tna per stipulation of match. on july 21 episode of impact wrestling, knockouts champion mickie james awarded sky shot @ title, before match take place, james attacked angelina love , winter. when sky tried make save, attacked returning odb , jacqueline, in turn attacked returning traci brooks.
on september 15 episode of impact wrestling, sky defeated angelina love qualify four-way knockouts championship match @ bound glory. on october 16 @ bound glory, sky won knockouts championship first time defeating previous champion winter, madison rayne , mickie james in four-way match, when traci brooks replaced original special guest referee karen jarrett, , counted deciding pinfall. on october 20 episode of impact wrestling, sky came ring , thanked fans supporting her. during speech, attacked returning gail kim. on november 13 @ turning point, sky lost knockouts championship gail kim, ending reign @ 28 days. on january 26 episode of impact wrestling, sky , mickie james defeated tara in three-way number 1 contenders match knockouts championship. on april 5 episode of impact wrestling, sky defeated angelina love, madison rayne, mickie james, tara , winter in six-way match become number 1 contender gail kim s knockouts championship. on april 15 @ lockdown, sky unsuccessfully challenged kim title in steel cage match. sky received rematch championship on may 17 episode of impact wrestling, again defeated kim in three-way match, included brooke tessmacher.
the following month, sky , mickie james ignited feud, james turning villainous due jealousy of sky. however, after weeks of inactivity, on july 24, reported numerous wrestling sites szantyr close leaving tna, after failing come terms on new contract promotion. 2 days later, szantyr confirmed departure tna, however, still listed active member of roster on company s website.
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