Benefits and concerns Online identity

1 benefits , concerns

1.1 benefits
1.2 concerns

1.2.1 reliability
1.2.2 catfishing online

benefits , concerns

a discussed positive aspect of virtual communities people can present without fear of persecution, whether personality traits, behaviors curious about, or announcement of real world identity component has never before been announced.

this freedom results in new opportunities society whole, ability people explore roles of gender , sexuality in manner can harmless, yet interesting , helpful undertaking change. online identity has given people opportunity feel comfortable in wide-ranging roles, of may underlying aspects of user s life user unable portray in real world.

online identity has beneficial effect minority groups, including ethnic minority populations, people disabilities, etc. online identities may remove prejudices created stereotypes found in real life, , provide greater sense of inclusion.

a prime example of these opportunities establishment of many communities welcoming gay , lesbian teens dealing sexuality. these communities allow teens share experiences 1 , older gay , lesbian people, , may provide community both non-threatening , non-judgmental. in review of such community, silberman quotes information technology worker, tom reilly, stating: wonderful thing online services intrinsically decentralized resource. kids can challenge adults have , make news . if teen organizers successful anywhere, news of readily available. internet arguably powerful tool young people alternative sexualities have ever had.

the online world provides users choice determine sex, sexuality preference , sexual characteristics embody. in each online encounter, user has opportunity interchange identity portray. mcrae argues in surkan (2000), lack of physical presence , infinite malleability of bodies complicates sexual interaction in singular way: because choice of gender option rather strictly defined biological characteristic, entire concept of gender primary marker of identity becomes partially subverted.

online identity can offer potential social benefits physical , sensory disabilities. flexibility of online media provides control on disclosure of impairment, opportunity not typically available in real world social interactions. researchers highlight value in improving inclusion. however, notable affordance of normalization offers possibility of experiencing non-stigmatized identities while offering capacity create harmful , dangerous outcomes, may jeopardize participants safety.


primarily, concerns regarding virtual identity revolve around areas of misrepresentation , contrasting effects of on , offline existence. sexuality , sexual behavior online provide of controversial debate many concerned predatory nature of users. particularly in reference concerns child pornography , ability of pedophiles obscure identity.

finally, concerns regarding connection between on , offline lives challenging notions of constitutes real experience. in reference gender, sexuality , sexual behavior, ability play these ideas has resulted in questioning of how virtual experience may affect 1 s offline emotions. mcrae states, @ best, virtual sex not complicates drastically unsettles division between mind, body, , self has become comfortable truism in western metaphysics. when projected virtuality, mind, body , self become consciously-manufactured constructs through individuals interact each other.


the identities people define in social web not facets of offline self. studies have shown people lie in online dating services. in case of social network services such facebook, companies proposing sell friends way increase user s visibility, calling question more reliability of person s social identity .

van gelder reported famous incident occurring on computer conferencing system during 80s male psychiatrist posed julie, female psychologist multiple disabilities including deafness, blindness, , serious facial disfigurement. julie endeared herself computer conferencing community, finding psychological , emotional support many members. psychiatrist s choice present differently sustained drawing upon unbearable stigma attached julie s multiple disabilities justification not meeting face-to-face. lack of visual cues allowed identity transformation continue, psychiatrist assuming identity of julie s husband, adamantly refused allow visit julie when claimed ill. example highlights ease identity may constructed, transformed, , sustained textual nature of online interaction , visual anonymity affords.

catfishing online

catfishing way user create fake online profile, fake photos , information, in order enter relationship, intimate or platonic, user. catfishing became popular in mainstream culture through mtv reality show catfish.


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