Ancestry Alaska

map of largest racial/ethnic group borough. red indicates native american, blue indicates non-hispanic white, , green indicates asian. darker shades indicate higher proportion of population.

according 2010 united states census, alaska had population of 710,231. in terms of race , ethnicity, state 66.7% white (64.1% non-hispanic white), 14.8% american indian , alaska native, 5.4% asian, 3.3% black or african american, 1.0% native hawaiian , other pacific islander, 1.6% other race, , 7.3% 2 or more races. hispanics or latinos of race made 5.5% of population.

as of 2011, 50.7% of alaska s population younger 1 year of age belonged minority groups (i.e., did not have 2 parents of non-hispanic white ancestry).


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