Ecology Oregon Badlands Wilderness

golden eagle

native vegetation in oregon badlands wilderness have adapted less 12 inches (30 cm) of annual rainfall. western juniper can live on 1,000 years old in region. oldest dated tree in oregon – estimated on 1,600 years old – grows near wilderness.

other common plants found in badlands wilderness include big sagebrush, rabbitbrush, , various bunchgrasses, including idaho fescue , bluebunch wheatgrass. in spring, area blooms variety of wildflowers, including oregon sunshine, dwarf monkeyflower, sulfur buckwheat, indian paintbrush, , mariposa lily.

the wilderness home variety of wildlife, including black-tailed jackrabbit, mule deer, elk, pronghorn, cottontail rabbit, coyote, bats , 6 species of lizard. more 100 species of bird live in area, including golden eagle, sage grouse, , prairie falcon.


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