Postwar era History of advertising
quaker oats 1909 newspaper ad directed @ white consumers stereotypical images , dolls.
pepsi advertisements avoided stereotypical images common in major media depicted one-dimensional aunt jemimas , uncle bens role draw smile white customers. instead portrayed black customers self-confident middle-class citizens showed taste in soft drinks. economical too, pepsi bottles twice size.
by late 1960s, more few token blacks hired @ advertising agencies, , sensitivity problem increased. leading black magazines essence , jet routinely deplored racism in mainstream media, in negative depictions of black men , women. essence , jet in 21st century ran dozen ads year, skin lighteners, pervaded racism , white supremacy.
by 1950s, fears of cancer tobacco smoking caused consternation in tobacco industry, turned advertisers in avoiding falling consumer demand , increased regulation. british , american agencies separately arrived @ similar solutions. tobacco industry research committee in united states , tobacco manufacturers standing committee in britain each assuaged public anxieties , encouraged misperception cigarette makers resolving issues through filters , low tar formulations. public relations approach successful in short run, accumulation of medical evidence led fall in smoking, heavier taxation, , increased regulation. agencies responded sophisticated advertising strategies designed encourage adolescent smokers recruit new smokers in less-developed foreign markets.
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