Planned future districts Administrative divisions of Nazi Germany
in order expand lebensraum of german people slavic populations of eastern europe intended wiped out through combined process of extermination, expulsion, starvation, , enslavement germanize these territories in long run. nazi racial offices planned colonization germanic peoples of these conquered eastern territories proceed intensively in 3 so-called siedlungsmarken (settlement marches) or reichsmarken of ingermannland (ingria), memel-narew area, , southern ukraine , crimean peninsula. latter of these intended newly re-organized gotengau (gau of goths), in honor of crimean goths had @ 1 point dwelled there. of baltic countries, peipusland proposed replacement-name estonia, , dünaland latvia.
in conference on july 16, 1941, discussing future organization of conquered soviet territories hitler stated intention turn not above-mentioned areas, entire baltic region (reichskommissariat ostland), volga german colony, , baku district future reichsgebieten (reich territories). on 3 november 1941 elaborated on toponymic aspect of germanizing east:
in eastern territories replace slavic geographic names german names. crimea instance called gotenland. [...] need names confirm our rights go two-thousand years.
the central , upper vistula valley within general government variously discussed having become either single vandalengau (gau of vandals) or 3-5 other new reichsgaue. earlier proposal 1939 advocated creation of reichsgau beskidenland, stretch area west of cracow san river in east. in axis-occupied yugoslavia, sepp janko, nazi representative of danube swabian interests, pushed establishment of reichsgau banat or prinz-eugen-gau, have encompassed yugoslavian territories of bačka, banat, parts of transylvania (siebenbürgen) , baranya.
annexation of germanic countries
the nazi racial categorization of ethnic groups of europe classified northern europeans, closely related germans (itself considered single nationality of swiss , austrians nothing sub-regional identities @ best) such dutch, flemings, danish, norwegians, swedish, , english part of superior aryan-nordic master race (herrenrasse). following integration of austria greater germany (großdeutschland), hitler decided follow same policy in future other countries regarded virtue of perceived racial qualifications belonging reich. meant low countries, @ least german-speaking parts of switzerland, liechtenstein , scandinavian states annexed larger greater germanic reich (großgermanisches reich) being broken smaller state , party administrative units, such denmark gau nordmark, , netherlands gau westland.
afterwards notion of these countries ever having been independent or separate rest of reich suppressed indefinitely. objective called inauguration of new period of rapidly enforced gleichschaltung, end result of aside local language dialects these countries become perfect duplicates of national socialist germany in political , social respects.
in addition intended revert western borders of germany france of late-medieval holy roman empire. strip of eastern france mouth of somme lake geneva (the so-called closed or forbidden zone of german occupied france) prepared annexed german reich reichsgau burgund, nancy (nanzig) capital.
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