Intelligent design Barbara Forrest
1 intelligent design
1.1 kitzmiller v. dover area school district
1.2 synthese essay
1.3 louisiana science education act
intelligent design
kitzmiller v. dover area school district
forrest key expert witness plaintiffs in 2005 kitzmiller v. dover area school district trial. defendants represented thomas more law center (tmlc), conservative christian, not-for-profit law center motto sword , shield people of faith . after forrest had been deposed, tmlc tried failed have stopped testifying. in motion have removed witness, described little more conspiracy theorist , web-surfing, cyber-stalker of discovery institute.... judge jones denied motion , forrest s testimony began on october 5.
according forrest, after tmlc s attempt exclude witness had failed, , few days before testifying, discovery institute attempted publicly ridicule on website. wrote:
on september 29, noticed di had posted transcript of interview had done—except hadn t done it. transcript fake. apparently meant (though not marked) parody, organization self-described goal support high quality scholarship [...] relevant question of evidence intelligent design in nature ridiculed me by, among other things, having fictitious radio host marvin waldburger refer me dr. barking forrest ph.d. if di thought unsettle me, ignoring fact had been through 2 killer hurricanes. shake head @ doing jaw-droppingly stupid. if hoping judge jones see , influenced silliness, sign of disrespect intelligence , integrity began before trial , continues today.
during testimony defense lawyers again asked court exclude forrest testifying expert witness. judge jones allowed them present case dismissing , denied request. forrest go on testify on religious origins , nature of intelligent design movement, wedge document, , demonstrated drafts of textbook @ center of court case, of pandas , people, substituted terms such intelligent design , intelligent designer in place of creationism , creator in attempt circumvent ruling in edwards v. aguillard determined teaching creationism in public schools violated establishment clause of united states constitution. testimony had significant impact on judge jones s decision.
a year after ruling, forrest commented in telephone interview clear followed case intelligent design not science. discovery institute has been trying years foment court case. , got 1 dropped in laps , ironic didn t want it. knew case them.
synthese essay
an essay forrest, non-epistemology of intelligent design: implications public policy , published online in march 2009 part of special issue of journal synthese. issue titled evolution , rivals , guest edited glenn branch , james h. fetzer, latter former editor of synthese. forrest s essay criticized philosopher francis j. beckwith, noting had no formal credentials constitutional scholar justify stances on issues regarding separation of church , state , connected beckwith , other advocates of intelligent design christian reconstructionism. following complaints beckwith , others mentioned in issue, regular editors of synthese, johan van benthem, vincent f. hendricks, , john f. symons, included editorial statement in print version of special issue, published in january 2011, criticized tone of of papers in issue. note perceived directed @ forrest s essay , drew angry denunciations guest editors, not consulted statement, , other critics. @ least 1 philosopher has withdrawn paper synthese result.
louisiana science education act
forrest worked zack kopplin , helped begin campaign repeal louisiana science education act law. repeal effort, sb70 of 2011, failed in senate education committee 5-1 vote. repeal effort, sb374 of 2012, failed in senate education committee 2-1 effort.
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