Numerals Russian declension

1 numerals

1.1 declension of cardinal numerals
1.2 collective numerals
1.3 ordinal numerals
1.4 fractions
1.5 count form


russian have several main classes of numerals (числи́тельные): cardinal, ordinal, collective, , fractional constructions. has other types of words, relative numbers:

multiplicative adjectives , compound nouns: еди́нственный – single (sole, unique), двойно́й – double, учетверённый – quadrupled, трёхкра́тный – three-times (also repetition adjective), пятицили́ндовый – five-cylinder; однообра́зие – monotony, тро́йственность – triplicity, семибо́рье – heptathlon;
multiplicative verbs: утро́ить/утра́ивать – triple, уполови́ни(ва)ть – halve (imp./perf. with/without -ва- suffix);
multiplicative adverbs: вдвойне́ – doubly, впя́теро – 5 times (for compound adverbs: впя́теро быстре́е – 5 times faster), вполови́ну – half as;
collective , repetition adverbs: втроём – 3 together; четы́режды – 4 times (with verb repeated action or noun repeatedly acquired state or title);
two interrogative , negative adverbs: ско́лько? – how much/many?; ниско́лько – none (at all);
counting-system, ordinal , partitive adjectives: двои́чный – binary, шестнадцатири́чный – hexadecimal; перви́чный – primary; тро́йственный (трёхча́стный) – three-sided (tripartite);
two dual numerals: о́ба – both (masculine/neuter), о́бе – both (feminine); no single word neither ;
numeric-pronominal, indefinite quantity words: ско́лько-то, ско́лько-нибудь – some, much; не́сколько – few; (не)мно́го – (not) much/many; (не)ма́ло – (not a) little; много , мало used compound words: малозна́чимость – small significance, многоу́ровневый – multilevel, малопоня́тно – vaguely (lit.: little clear);
nouns number or object defined (symbol, playing cards, banknote, transport route, etc.): едини́ца – number 1 , unit; пятисо́тка – number 500 (all feminine); noun masculine ноль (zero) но́лик.
multiple loaned numerals (also used prefixes , first roots compound words) greek, latin , (for musical terminology) italian;

here numerals 0 10:

nouns used in nominative case after 1 (один рубль, 1 ruble ).

after other numbers (following grammatical number rules in russian) nouns must declined genitive plural (десять рублей, ten rubles ).

declension of cardinal numerals

declension of numerals , numeral constructions in russian complicated thing, difficult correctly native speakers.

different russian numerals have different types of declension. word оди́н (one) declined number, (in singular) gender , case. word два (two) declined gender , case, other numbers have case decline by. words 50, 60, 70, 80, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 900 unique russian declined not ending in end, part of word in middle (since composed 2 words): nom. пятьдеся́т (50) – gen. пяти́десяти etc. (compare пять деся́тков – пяти́ деся́тков 5 tens ).

compound number phrases created without unions: сто пятьдеся́т три ры́бы 153 fishes . numerals declined contemporary (in spoken language not always). if numeral in nominative or accusative, ending of noun defined last numeral word (the least order, see examples below), may not true adjective attached noun.

most numbers ending 1 (in gender: оди́н, одна́, одно́) require nominative singular noun: два́дцать одна́ маши́на (21 cars), сто пятьдеся́т оди́н челове́к (151 people). numbers ending 2 , 3 , 4 (два/две, три, четы́ре) require genitive singular: три соба́ки (3 dogs), со́рок два окна́ (42 windows). other numbers (including 0 , ending it) require genitive plural: пять я́блок (5 apples), де́сять рубле́й (10 rubles). genitive plural used numbers ending 11 14 , inexact numerals: сто оди́ннадцать ме́тров (111 meters); мно́го домо́в (many houses). nominative plural used without numerals: э́ти дома́ (these houses); cf. три до́ма (3 houses; g. sg.). these rules apply integer numbers. rational numbers see below.

in oblique cases, noun , number take both case, except numbers ending thousand , million , billion etc. (nouns: ты́сяча (f.), миллио́н (m.), миллиа́рд (m.)) in singular or in plural regarded nouns , require genitive case in plural: пятью́ ты́сячами (instr.) маши́н (gen.); cf. пятью́ маши́нами , пятью́ ты́сячами тремяста́ми маши́нами (all instr.). initial (leftmost) numeral 1 can omitted in combinations (одна́) ты́сяча (ты́сяча и одна́ ночь – 1001 nights), (оди́н) миллио́н, etc.

nouns со́тня ( approximately 100 , f.) , па́ра ( pair , f.) can declined , can form compound numerals: три со́тни (≈300), пять пар носко́в (5 pair of socks). approximate numbers colloquially formed reversing word order, exchanging numeral , noun: мину́ты три (≈3 minutes). ranges (hyphenated) possible: пять-шесть дней (5–6 days), дней пять-шесть (probably 5–6 days). word ми́нус (minus) declines if standalone, not negative numbers: минус три гра́дуса – minus 3 degrees (wrong: *минуса три градуса); however: три минуса – 3 minuses.

dative, instrumental , prepositional cases 0 more use нул- root instead of нол-. numbers 11 19 are: оди́ннадцать, двена́дцать, трина́дцать, четы́рнадцать, пятна́дцать, шестна́дцать, семна́дцать, восемна́дцать, девятна́дцать. decline in same way 20 (два́дцать).

for numbers above 1,000 russian using modified short scale these loaned words: миллио́н (10, million; both long , short scales), миллиа́рд (10, milliard; long scale – exception), триллио́н (10, trillion), квадриллио́н (10, quadrillion), квинтиллио́н (10, quintillion), etc. (continued short scale). decline in same way миллио́н. russian uses words биллио́н (billion) , numerals -ard endings in historical texts or literal translations. also, биллиа́рд (billiard) noun meaning cue sport.

note superscript case notations: small letters denote singular forms, capitals denote plural. Метр masculine (important 51 ); both метр , тысяча inanimate (important accusative). blue digits indicatives of case endings, marked blue letters.

collective numerals

collective numerals (russian: собира́тельные числи́тельные) used in russian (and many other slavic languages) instead of usual cardinal ones in specific lexical , semantic situations. russian collective numerals different cardinal numerals in former emphasize ‘the totality’ or ‘the aggregate whole’, while latter – ‘the individuated quantity’. numerals 2 (двое) 7 (семеро) actively used nowadays, while 8 10 seldom used , 11–13 not normative; word о́ба (both) considered collective numeral. in nominative , accusative, force noun genitive plural form (while own accusative form dependent animacy of noun): трое друзей на охоту пошли, вижу двоих мужчин, вижу двое саней. these numerals seldom used in oblique cases, instrumental. here comes brief table of cases of usage:

dobrushina , panteleeva (2008), having analyzed usage of два/двое in russian corpus, summarize cases of usage of collective numerals in following common rules:

ordinal numerals

ordinal numbers have grammatically no differences adjectives. while forming them, upper 3 orders of numerals agglutinated nearest dividing power of 1000, results in constructing of longest natural russian words, e.g. стапятидесятитрёхты́сячный (153,000-th), while next сто пятьдеся́т три ты́сячи пе́рвый (153,001-st). in latter example, last word declined noun.


fractions formed as: (how parts), expressed cardinal number in case of phrase, plus (of how numerous parts), expressed ordinal number; construction formed related word часть part (grammatically feminine), omitted. noun such construction comes in genitive single, belonged word часть: девяно́сто две пятидеся́тых то́нны 92/50 tons . if integer precedes fraction, bound union и, while noun remains in genitive: два и три восьмы́х оборо́та 2 3/8 turns (оборо́т masculine, numeral два, not *две).

fractions 1/2, 1/3 , 1/4 have proper names (nouns): полови́на, треть , че́тверть, used instead of ordinal numbers. added preposition с, while form of noun appears related integer part rather fraction: де́сять с че́твертью [instr.] оборо́тов [gen.] 10 1/4 turns . prefixes пол- (with genitive) , полу- (with nominative) used half of something: пол-лимо́на (half of lemon), полчаса́ (half hour; but: полови́на ча́са); полуме́сяц (half moon, crescent). words пол- not declined, , there set of rules writing or without dash.

for 1 1/2 there special word полтора́ (feminine полторы́; in oblique cases полу́тора; requires genitive): полтора́ я́блока – 3/2 apples. can used larger numbers (полторы́ ты́сячи – 1 500, полтора миллио́на – 1 500 000) and, approximate values, smaller numbers (полтора деся́тка – ≈15, полторы со́тни – ≈150). there now-outdated form полтора́ста 150. other single-word numerals, s possible form nouns , multiplicative adjectives, associated 1.5 : полу́торка (old truck 1.5 tonnes of payload capacity), полтора́шка (1.5 liter plastic bottle beverage); полу́торный (something of 150% amount).

to read decimal fractions, convert them simple ones: 2,71828 = 2+71828/100000 - два и се́мьдесят одна́ ты́сяча восемьсо́т два́дцать во́семь стоты́сячных. after integer in such cases used word це́лая (substantiated adjective full, integer , refers omitted word часть , feminine): 3,14 – три це́лых (и) четы́рнадцать соты́х (union omitted); word це́лая can appear in naming non-decimal simple fractions: 2 3/8 – две це́лых три восьмы́х. 0 before comma read: 0,01 = 0+1/100 – ноль це́лых одна́ со́тая (shortly: одна́ со́тая). informally, decimal fractional part can read more conveniently sequence of simple digits , numbers: два и семь-восемна́дцать-два́дцать во́семь. same method used read long numerals unrelated noun (phone numbers, address indexes, etc.), grouping 2 or 3 digits: 123406 – сто два́дцать три четы́реста шесть, двенадцать три́дцать четы́ре ноль шесть (forced ноль added avoid missing digit).

count form

russian has so-called count form (счётная фо́рма) use nouns in numerical phrases instead of genitive plural (for words mandatory, others optional), units of measure (especially derived names): во́семь бит (8 bits; not *би́тов), шестна́дцать байт (16 bytes), две́сти два́дцать вольт (220 volts), пять килогра́мм(ов) (5 kilograms; optional). but: коли́чество ба́йтов (amount of bytes), изба́виться от ли́шних килогра́ммов (get rid of excess kilograms).

Сount form exists paucal numbers (1.5, 2, 3 , 4); coincides genitive singular, has notable exceptions stressed endings: два часа́ (2 hours), середи́на ча́са (middle of hour); два́дцать два шара́ (22 balls), объём ша́ра (volume of ball); три ряда́ (3 rows/lines), вы́йти из ря́да (step out of line); четы́ре шага́ (4 steps), полша́га (half step). Полчаса́ (half hour) additional exception; other nouns пол- prefix not have stressed -а ending.

some nouns totally change genitive plural forms: 4 го́да, 5 лет (years); 3 челове́ка, 30 люде́й/челове́к (people; optional). Сount forms adjectives , nouns adjectival declension after numerals require genitive plural , nominative plural: два лу́чших (g. pl.) игрока́ (g. sg.) 2 best players ; три зелёные (n. pl.) прямы́е (n. pl.) 3 green strait_lines , три зелёных (g. pl.) прямы́х (g. pl.) штриха́ (g. sg.) 3 green strait strokes .

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