References Student rights in higher education
citation list
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adarand constructors, inc., v. pena, 515 200 (1995)
ahmed v. university of toledo, 822 f.2d 26 (6th cir. 1987)
albert merrill school v. godoy, 357 nys 2d 378 (ny city civil ct. 1974)
american civil liberties union of georgia v. miller, 977 f. supp. 1228 (nd ga. 1997)
anderson v. mass. inst of tech, 1995 wl 813188, 1, 4 (mass. super, 1995)
anderson v. university of wisconsin, 841 f. 2d 737 (7th cir. 1988)
anthony v. syracuse, 231 nys 435 (ny app. div. 1928)
antonelli v. hammond, 308 f. supp. 1329 (dist. mass. 1970)
axson-flynn v. johnson, 365 f. 3d 1277 (10th cir. 2004)
bakke v. regents of university of california, 438 265 (1978)
barker v. hardway, 399 f. 2d 368 (4th cir. 1968)
bayless v. maritime, 430 f. 2d 873, 877 (5th cir. 1970)
beukas v. fairleigh, 605 a. 2d 708 (nj app. div. 1992)
board of curators of university of missouri v. horowitz 435 78 (1978)
bonnell v. lorenzo, 241 f. 3d 800 (6th cir. 2001)
bowe v. smc elec. prods., 945 f. supp. 1482, 1485 (d. colo. 1996)
brody v. finch univ. of health sci. / chicago med. sch., 698 ne 2d 257, 298 (il app. ct. 1998)
bruner v. petersen, 944 p. 2d 43 (ak sup. ct. 1997)
bynes v. toll, 512 f. 2d 252 (2nd cir. 1975)
camara v. municipal court of city , country of san francisco, 387 523 (1967)
carlin v. trustees of boston university, 907 f. supp. 509 (d. mass. 1995)
carr v. st. johns university, 231 nys 2d 410, 231 (ny app. div. 1962)
central hudson gas , electric corp. v. public service commission, 447 557 (1980)
cf. meritor savings bank v. vinson, 477 57 (1986)
chess v. widmar, 635 f. 2d 1310 (8th cir. 1980)
church of lukumi babalu aye v. city of hileah, 508 520 (1993)
city of richmond v. j. a. croson co., 488 469 (1989)
civil rights office tanberg v. weld county sheriff, 787 f. supp. 970 (d. co. 1992)
clark v. holmes, 474 f. 2d 928 (7th cir. 1972)
clayton v. trustees of princeton university, 608 f. supp. 413 (d. nj 1985)
cohen v. san beradino valley college, 92 f. 3d 968 (9th cir. 1996)
cooper v. nix, 496 f. 2d 1285 (5th cir. 1974)
cooper v. ross, 472 f. supp. 802 (ed ark. 1979)
crook v. baker, 813 f. 2d 88 (6th cir. 1987)
dambrot v. central michigan university, 839 f. supp. 477 (ed mi 1993)
dambrot v. central michigan university, 55 f. 3d 1177 (6th cir. 1995)
davis v. monroe county board of education, 526 629 (1999)
defunis v. odegaard, 416 312 (1974)
deronde v. regents of univ. of california, 625 p. 2d 220 (ca sup. 1981)
devers v. southern university, 712 so. 2d (la app. 1998)
dixon v. alabama, 294 f. 150 (5th cir. 1961)
doe v. kamehameha schools, 416 f. 3d 1025 (9th cir. 2005)
doherty v. southern college of optometry, 862 f. 2d 570 (6th cir. 1988)
donohue v. baker, 976 f. supp. 136 (nd ny 1997)
durate v. commonwealth, 407 se 2d 41, 12 (va app. 1991)
eden v. board of trustees of state university, 374 nys 2d 686 (ny app. 1975)
edwards v. california univ. of pa., 156 f. 3d 488 (3rd cir. 1998)
eiseman v. state of new york, 518 nys 2d 608 (ny app. 1987)
erzinger v. regents of university of california, 137 cal. app. 3d 389, 187 (ca app. 1982)
esteban v. central missouri state college, 277 f. supp. 649 (wd mi 1967)
faulkner v. jones, 51 f. 3d 440 (4th cir. 1995)
fellheimer v. middleburry college, 869 f. supp. 238 (d. va 1994)
fleming v. new york university, 865 f. 2d 478 (2nd cir. 1989)
florida ex rel. hawkins v. board of control, 350 413 (1956)
franklin v. gwinnett county public schools, 503 60 (1992)
french v. bashful, 303 f. supp. 1333 (ed la 1969)
furek v. university of delaware, 594 a. 2d 506 (de supp. 1991)
gabrilowitz v. newman, 582 f. 2d 100 (1st cir. 1978)
garcia v. s.u.n.y. health sciences center of brooklyn, 280 f. 3d 98 (2nd cir. 2001)
gay activists alliance v. bd. of regents of univ. of oklahoma, 638 p. 2d 1116 (ok sup. 1981)
gay students org. of university of new hampshire v. bonner, 509 f. 2d 652 (1st cir. 1974)
gay student services v. texas a&m university, 737 f. 2d 1317 (5th cir. 1984)
gebser v. lago vista independent school district, 524 274 (1998)
goldberg v. kelly, 397 254 (1970)
good v. associated students, univ. of washington, 542 p. 2d 762 (wa sup. 1975)
goodman v. president , trustees of bowdoin college, 135 f. supp. 2d 40 (d. ma 2001)
gossett v. state of oklahoma, 245 f.3d 1172 (10th cir. 2001)
gott v. berea college, 161 sw 204 (ky 1913)
gratz v. bollinger, 539 244 (2003)
griswald v. connecticut, 381 479 (1965)
gross v. lopez, 419 565 (supreme 1975)
grove v. ohio state university, 424 s. supp. 377 (d. oh 1976)
hall vs. medical college of ohio, 742 f. 2d 299 (6th cir. 1984)
harris v. forklift systems inc., 510 17 (1993)
harwood v. johns hopkins, 747 a. 2d 205 (md spec. app. 2000)
healey v. james, 408 169 (1972)
healy v. larsson, 323 nys 2d 625 (ny sup. 1971)
henson v. honor committee of university of virginia, 719 f. 2d 69 (4th cir. 1983)
hickey v. zezulka, 487 nw 2d 106 (mi sup. 1992)
hill v. ncaa, 273 cal. rptr. 402 (ca app. div. 1990)
hill v. ncaa, 865 p. 2d 633, 7 (ca sup. 1994)
hogan v. mississippi state school women, 458 718 (1982)
hopwood v. texas, 78 f. 3d 932 (5th cir. 1996)
jenkins v. louisiana state board of education, 506 f. 2d 992 (5th cir. 1975)
johnson v. schmitz, 119 f. supp. 2d 90 (d co 2000)
joyner v. whiting, 477 f. 2d 456 (4th cir. 1973)
klein v. smith, 635 f. supp. 1140 (d ma 1986)
knoll v. board of regents of university of nebraska, 601 nw 2d 757 (nb sup. 1999)
laura o. v. state, 610 nys 2d 826 (ny app. div. 1994)
lesser v. board of education of new york, 1963 239 nys 2d 776 (ny app. div. 1963)
levin v. yeshiva university, 709 nys 2d 392 (ny app. div. 2000)
long v. university of north carolina @ wilmington, 461 se 2d 773 (nc app. div. 1995)
lovelace v. southeastern mass, 793 f. 2d 419 (1st cir. 1986)
loving v. boren, 956 f. supp. 953 (wd ok 1997)
mahavongsanan v. hall, 529 f. 2d 448 (5th cir. 1976)
mainstream loudoun v. bd of trustees of loudoun county library, 2 f. supp. 783 (ed va 1998)
mangala v. brown university, 135 f. 3d 80 (1st cir. 1998)
matthews v. elderidge, 424 319 (1976)
mcdonald v. hogness, 598 p. 2d 707 (wa sup. 1979)
mcdonald v. santa fe trail transportation co., 427 273 (1976)
miller v. state, 478 nys 2d 829 (ny supp. 1984)
mississippi medical center v. hughes, 765 so. 2d 528 (mi supp. 2000)
moore v. student affairs committee of troy state university, 284 f. supp. (md ab 1968)
morale v. grigel, 422 f. supp. 988 (d. nh 1976)
morse v. regents of university of colorado, 154 f. 3d 1124 (10th cir. 1998)
mullins v. pine manor college, 449 ne 2d 331 (mass. supp. 1983)
gay students organization of new hampshire v. bonner, 509 f. 2d 652 (1st cir. 1974)
new york v. ferber, 458 747 (1982)
ncaa v. tarkanian, 488 179 (1988)
nogueras v. university of puerto rico, 890 179 (d. pr 1995)
nyquist v. jean-marie mauclet, 432 1 (1977)
o halloran v. university of washington, 856 f. 2d 1375 (9th cir. 1988)
online policy group v. diebold, inc. 337 f. supp. 2d 1195 (d. nd 2004)
orin v. barclay, 272 f. 3d. 1207 (9th cir. 2001)
papish v. board of curators of university of missouri, 410 667 (1973)
parate v. isibor, 868 f. 2d 821 (6th cir. 1989)
perry ed. assoc. v. perry local ed. assoc., 460 37 (1983)
piazzola v. watkins, 442 f. 2d 284 (5th cir. 1971)
ppau of col. & willamette v. am. coalition of life advocates, 290 f. 3d 1058 (9th cir. 2002)
plyler v. doe, 457 202 (1982)
podberesky v. kirwan, 38 f. 3d 147 (4th cir. 1994)
police department v. mosley, 408 92 (1972)
prostrollo v. university of south dakota, 507 f. 2d 775 (8th cir. 1974)
pushkin v. regents of university of colorado, 658 f. 2d 1372 (10th cir. 1981)
reno v. american civil liberties union, 521 844 (1997)
riggin v. bd. of trustees of ball st. univ., 489 ne 2d 616 (d. in 1986)
roberts v. haragan, 346 f. supp. 2d 853 (d. tx 2004)
rosenberger v. rector , visitors of university of virginia, 515 819 (1995)
rosenthal v. webster university, 230 f.3d 1363 (8th cir. 2000)
ross v. creighton university, 957 f. 2d 410 (7th cir. 1992)
salvador v. bennett, 800 f. 2d 97 (7th cir. 1986)
schaer v. braneis, u. 735 ne 2d 373 (mass. sup. 2000)
sharick v. southeastern university of health sciences, 780 so. 2d 136 (d. fl 2000)
sharif salahuddin v. new york state education department, 709 f. supp. 345 (d. sd 1989)
shelton v. turner, 364 u.s. 479, 487 (1960)
shin v. mit, lexis 333, @ 22 (mass. sup. 2005)
smyth v. lubbers, 398 f. supp. 777 (wd mi 1975)
southeastern community college v. davis, 442 397 (1979)
speakes v. grantham, 317 f. supp. 1253 (sd mi 1970)
spartacus youth league v. bd. of trustees of il industrial univ., 502 f. supp. 789 (nd il 1980)
stanley v. mcgrath, 719 f. 2d 279 (8th cir. 1983)
state v. hunter, 831 p. 2d 1033 (ut app. div. 1992)
state of north carolina v. pendleton, 451 se 2d 274 (nc supp. 1994)
state of washington v. chrisman, 455 1 (1982)
sweezy v. new hampshire, 345 234 (1957)
tedeschi v. wagner college, 402 nys 2d 967 (ny sup. 1978)
texas v. johnson, 491 397 (1989)
tinker vs. des moines independent community school district, 393 503 (1969)
texas lightsey v. king, 567 f. supp. 645 (ed ny1983)
tully v. orr, 608 f. supp. 1222 (ed ny 1985)
united states v. fordice, 505 717 (1992)
united states v. commonwealth of virginia, 976 f. 2d 890 (4th cir. 1992)
united states v. league of united latin american citizens, 793 f. 2d 636 (5th cir. 1986)
university of texas v. camenisch, 451 390 (1981)
united states v. orozco-santillan, 903 f. 2d 1262 (9th cir. 1990)
vangeli v. schneider, 598 nys 2d 837 (ny app. div. 1993)
van stry v. state, 479 nys 2d 258 (ny app. div. 1984)
widmar v. vincent, 454 263 (1981)
williams v. saxbe, 413 f. supp. 654 (d. dc 1976)
white v. davis, 533 p. 2d 222 (ca supp. 1975)
woods v. wright institute, 141 f. 3d 1183 (9th cir. 1998)
woodis v. westark community college, 160 f. 3d 435 (8th cir. 1998)
wright v. schreffler, 618 a. 2d 412 (pa sup. 1992)
wright v. texas southern university, 392 f. 2d 728 (5th cir. 1968)
wynne v. tufts university school of medicine, 976 f. 2d 791 (1st cir. 1992)
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