Flora and fauna Richmond Woodlands Important Bird Area

1 flora , fauna

1.1 plants
1.2 birds
1.3 other animals

flora , fauna

the woodlands dominated overstorey of coastal grey box, narrow-leaved ironbark , forest red gum. other trees include scribbly gum, narrow-leaved apple , endangered allocasuarina glareicola. there understorey of sweet bursaria, pultenaea violacea , black sheoak, groundcover of kangaroo grass, echinopogan caespitosus, astrida vagans, weeping grass , barbed-wire grass.


the site has been identified birdlife international iba because regularly supports significant numbers of regent honeyeaters , swift parrots, many other woodland bird species. holds 1 of 2 remaining populations of red-capped robins in sydney region.

other animals

mammals found in iba include sugar gliders, common brushtail possums, eastern grey kangaroos, bush rats , little red flying foxes. on 20 species of reptiles have been recorded, including eastern long-necked turtles , eastern blue-tongued lizards. green , golden bell frogs present.


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