Temporal rates Rate (mathematics)

in chemistry , physics:

speed, being distance covered per unit of time; e.g., miles per hour , meters per second
acceleration, rate of change in speed, or change in speed per unit of time
reaction rate, speed @ chemical reactions occur
volumetric flow rate, volume of fluid passes through given surface per unit of time; e.g., cubic meters per second

counts-per-time rates

radioactive decay, amount of radioactive material in 1 nucleus decays per second, measured in becquerels

in computing:

bit rate, number of bits conveyed or processed computer per unit of time
symbol rate, number of symbol changes (signalling events) made transmission medium per second
sampling rate, number of samples (signal measurements) per second

miscellaneous definitions:

rate of reinforcement, number of reinforcements per unit of time, per minute
heart rate, measured in beats per minute


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