Anatomy and physiology Tarsier

tarsier tree-climbing

tarsiers small animals enormous eyes; each eyeball approximately 16 mm in diameter , large entire brain. unique cranial anatomy of tarsier results need balance large eyes , heavy head able wait silently nutritious prey. tarsiers have incredibly strong auditory sense because auditory cortex distinct. tarsiers have long hind limbs, due extremely elongated tarsus bones of feet, animals name. combination of elongated tarsi , fused tibiofibulae makes them morphologically specialized vertical clinging , leaping. head , body range 10 15 cm in length, hind limbs twice long (including feet), , have slender tail 20 25 cm long. fingers elongated, third finger being same length upper arm. of digits have nails, second , third toes of hind feet bear claws instead, used grooming. tarsiers have soft, velvety fur, buff, beige, or ochre in color.

their dental formula unique:

unlike many nocturnal vertebrates, tarsiers lack light-reflecting area (tapetum lucidum) of eye , have fovea.

the tarsier s brain different of other primates in terms of arrangement of connections between 2 eyes , lateral geniculate nucleus, main region of thalamus receives visual information. sequence of cellular layers receiving information ipsilateral (same side of head) , contralateral (opposite side of head) eyes in lateral geniculate nucleus distinguishes tarsiers lemurs, lorises, , monkeys, similar in respect. neuroscientists suggested apparent difference distinguishes tarsiers other primates, reinforcing view arose in early, independent line of primate evolution.

philippine tarsiers capable of hearing frequencies high 91 khz. capable of vocalizations dominant frequency of 70 khz.


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