Entrance requirements Temple (LDS Church)
1 entrance requirements
1.1 worthiness interview
1.2 history of interview questions
1.3 types of recommends
1.4 emergency access
entrance requirements
the washington d.c. temple 16th latter-day saint temple.
the preston england temple, located outside chorley, lancashire, england.
the lds church booklet preparing enter holy temple explains latter-day saints not discuss temple ordinances outside temples. further, booklet states:
it never intended knowledge of these temple ceremonies limited select few obliged ensure others never learn of them. quite opposite, in fact. great effort church urges every soul qualify , prepare temple experience.
to enter temple, individual must baptized, , after 1 year, may seek temple recommend. individual interviewed his/her bishop, during candidate asked series of questions determine worthiness enter temple. individual interviewed or stake president. bishop , stake president sign recommend, indicating approval of member s worthiness. individual signs recommend, acknowledging responsibility remain worthy hold recommend. recommend valid 2 years.
worthiness interview
to qualify temple recommend, lds church member must faithfully answer series of questions affirm individual s adherence essential church doctrine. questions address following:
faith in , testimony of god father, jesus christ, , holy ghost.
testimony of atonement of jesus christ.
testimony of restoration of gospel.
support of president of church , authority, , other general authorities , local church leaders.
living law of chastity.
relationships family members being in harmony church teachings.
support or affiliation group or individual teachings or practices not in agreement church teachings.
making faith effort keep covenants individual has made, attend church meetings , keep life in harmony gospel.
honesty in dealings others.
paying full tithe.
keeping word of wisdom.
payment of , keeping current on child support or alimony, if applicable.
if attending temple, individual keep covenants made in temple , wear temple garment night , day according covenants made in temple.
making full confession of serious sins church leaders.
regarding oneself worthy enter temple , take part in ordinances within.
history of interview questions
a list of questions first introduced in 1857 , used qualify whether individual enter endowment house, before first temple in utah built. reflected context of times, including questions branding animal did not own , using person s irrigation water. since then, temple recommend questions have changed significantly, though less in recent years. in 1996, first question belief in god, jesus christ, , holy ghost split 3 questions. second question modified ask if member sustained first presidency , quorum of twelve prophets, seers, , revelators. question wearing garments qualified, added clause wearing them instructed in temple. in 1999, simplified question financial obligations asked of members, not divorced members. in 2012, question wearing garments modified clarify garments should not worn separately.
types of recommends
the standard temple recommend authorizes member has been baptized @ least 1 year prior take part in temple ordinances , valid 2 years. recommend living ordinances given individuals participating in endowment first time, being sealed spouse, or being married in temple time only. may used in conjunction standard temple recommend. limited-use recommend available members have not yet received endowment or have not been member 1 year. these may issued group single visit temple. these can issued youth 12 , older take part in specific temple ordinances, single members age 8–20 preparing sealed parents, or individuals, not endowed, wish observe specific ordinances. church member must meet same worthiness standards standard temple recommend in interview member s bishop. unlike standard temple recommend, limited-use recommend not require year s membership nor interview stake president. limited-use recommend valid proxy baptisms , confirmation ordinances.
emergency access
those without recommends need enter temples after dedication during fires, medical emergencies, or building inspections. escorted temple personnel during such visits. temples may offer introductory tours new local firefighters , emergency medical technicians during regularly scheduled maintenance periods.
an lds temple in omaha, nebraska
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