Further reading Thermodiscus

1 further reading

1.1 scientific journals
1.2 scientific books
1.3 scientific databases

further reading
scientific journals

burggraf s; huber h; stetter ko (1997). reclassification of crenarchael orders , families in accordance 16s rrna sequence data . int. j. syst. bacteriol. 47 (3): 657–660. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-3-657. pmid 9226896. 
zillig w; stetter ko; prangishvilli d; schafer w; wunderl s; janekovic d; et al. (1982). desulfurococcaceae, second family of extremely thermophilic, anaerobic, sulfur-respiring thermoproteales . zentralbl. bakteriol. parasitenkd. infektionskr. hyg. abt. 1 orig. c3: 304–317. 

hamana, koei; tanaka, takehiko; hosoya, ryuichi; niitsu, masaru; itoh, takashi (2003). cellular polyamines of acidophilic, thermophilic , thermoacidophilic archaebacteria, acidilobus, ferroplasma, pyrobaculum, pyrococcus, staphylothermus, thermococcus,thermodiscus , vulcanisaeta . journal of general , applied microbiology. 49 (5): 287–293. 

scientific books

stetter, ko (2001). genus vii. thermodiscus gen. nov. . in dr boone; rw castenholz. bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology volume 1: archaea , branching , phototrophic bacteria (2nd ed.). new york: springer verlag. isbn 978-0-387-98771-2. 
stetter, ko (1986). diversity of extremely thermophilic archaebacteria . in td brock. thermophiles: general, molecular , applied microbiology. new york: john wiley & sons. isbn 978-0-471-82001-7. 

scientific databases

pubmed references thermodiscus
pubmed central references thermodiscus
google scholar references thermodiscus


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