Characters Mopatop's Shop

1 characters

1.1 main characters
1.2 customers
1.3 items

main characters

mopatop (performed mak wilson in seasons 1 , 2, william todd-jones in seasons 3 , 4) - main character of series. large fuzzy green creature runs mopatop s shop shopkeeper.
puppyduck (performed victoria willing) - mopatop s assistant. cross between duck , dog. puppyduck has fondness strawberry jam.
mouse family - family of mice live in attic of mopatop s shop.

moosey mouse (performed nigel plaskitt) - member of mouse family. since mopatop , puppyduck don t notice him, tends whatever wants. recycled version of mouse puppet used in muppet christmas carol later used stanley mouse in jim henson s animal show.
mother mouse (performed victoria willing) -
father mouse (performed brian herring) -
great uncle mousiemillian - moosey mouse s great uncle.

claudia bird (performed susan beattie) - claudia bird friendly neighbor of mopatop. recycled version of winny muppet show.
lamont (performed nigel plaskitt) - sloth deliveryman. recycled version of lamont sloth puppet jim henson s animal show.
odd-job gerald (performed brian herring) - rabbit odd jobs mopatop.
bunny - rabbit appear in introduction of of episode mopatop suggest various items viewer.
lettuce (performed susan beattie) - lettuce appeared in backgrounds of mopatop s shop singing. recycled version of lettuce member of singing food muppet show.
grace delphinium (performed alison mcgowan) - cheerful flower resides in mopatop s shop. recycled version of 1 of flowers muppet show.
professor fingle fangle fargle (performed nigel plaskitt) - professor fingle fangle fargle inventor has contributed of inventions mopatop s shop.


abel , mabel (performed brian herring , susan beattie) - abel , mabel 2 creatures appeared behind little door in thingamajig. abel recycled version of droop muppet show while mabel recycled version of philo fraggle rock.
alan (performed nigel plaskitt) - alan came mopatop s shop in penguins buy proper equipment when penguins rain on him. recycled droop of muppet show.
ali doolally - ali doolally magician came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode in order wand stop drooping.
andre chef - andre chef came mopatop s shop in magic cakes gives mopatop cakes taste wants taste.
andy armadillo - andy armadillo came mopatop s shop in feathers wanted dress bird. recycled version of dooley armadillo jim henson s animal show.
the animal choir - animal choir appeared in self-titled episode mopatop offers them viewers , sells carol croon. recycled version of sheep, chicken, , penguin muppet show, morton beaver , sandy giant otter jim henson s animal show, , rabbit tale of bunny picnic.
backstreet bunnies - backstreet bunnies bunch of rabbit pop stars came mopatop s shop in mopatop of pops looking musical inspiration. puppyduck s favorite band , parody of backstreet boys.
baddy nono - came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode wanted buy bad things. recycled version of blue frackle muppet show.
bee (performed nigel plaskitt) - bee appeared in cock-a-doodle-bee. came mopatop s shop looking new cool , funky buzz. wanted cock-a-doodle-do buzz. recycled version of barry honeybee jim henson s animal show.
becka bicker (performed susan beattie) - blue monster came mopatop s shop in midip trade imaginary fish friend fishy imaginary friend. ends obtaining midip.
benny bumpety - benny bumpity came mopatop s shop in jumpety bumpety wanted swap skills jenny jumpety.
bernice bear (performed susan beattie) - bernice bear came mopatop s shop in big game looking somewhere hide bob big hunter. recycled version of bunnie bear jim henson s animal show.
betty (performed susan beattie) - betty comes mopatop s shop in cock-a-doodle bee. recycled version of 1 of flowers of muppet show.
betty big hairy beast (performed susan beattie) - betty big hairy beast comes mopatop s shop in bigulator wanting change size.
big cheese - big cheese came mopatop s shop in smell cheese in order really, really, bad smell.
billy bull (performed nigel plaskitt in first appearance, brian herring in second appearance) - billy bull comes mopatop s shop in horns sent puzzle how can bull play tune on bicycle mopatop. in bath buddy, billy came mopatop s shop dirt when mom sent him bathtub billy hates taking baths. proves problem when meets boris bath buddy manages convince him joining him in bath. design similar bull seen in muppet show, eyes, hair, , horns different.
bob big hunter (performed nigel plaskitt) - bob big hunter dog came mopatop s shop in big game having trailed bernice bear shop. recycled version of lyle dog muppet show.
bonnie bunny (performed susan beattie) - bonnie rabbit came mopatop s shop buy herself party in surprise party.
boop (performed susan beattie) - boop bouncing ball moustache, hair, , no eyes. came mopatop s shop in gluey glop 1 of items offered people.
boris bath buddy (performed nigel plaskitt) - boris bath buddy koala came mopatop s shop bath buddy. ends finding 1 in billy bull. recycled version of flora koala jim henson s animal show.
bossy boots (performed nigel plaskitt) - bossy boots comes shop in episode do-what-i-say expecting dance because said it. don t follow command, wants do-what-i-say , mopatop finds 1 him. recycled version of unnamed background cave creature fraggle rock.
box (performed brian herring) - box appeared in surprise party states contains surprise within it.
bradley cheetah (performed nigel plaskitt) - bradley cheetah appears in singa songa. came mopatop s shop song give friend lazlo lion. gained mopatop , puppyduck in order make lion song. heard lazlo lion appreciated song. bradley , lazlo left go chase gazelles. recycled version of swifty cheetah jim henson s animal show.
brazzle snake -
brian (performed nigel plaskitt) - brian came mopatop s shop in hair! hair! everywhere! have done messy hair. recycled , wigged version of murray minstrel fraggle rock.
bruno butterfingers - came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode ends knocking on honey jar , ends in sticky situation.
bouncing pengolinos - bouncing pengolinos group of performing penguins came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode in order regain bounce. in goodbye, bouncing pengolinos came mopatop s shop give larry dinger big goodbye final episode of hello & goodbye show. recycled muppet show penguins.
bug (performed nigel plaskitt) - bug came mopatop s shop in hug bug sad.
busy fizzie (performed brian herring) - busy fizzie came mopatop s shop in go slow gave busy items mopatop. recycled 1 of forest creatures seen in kokomo music video.
captain woof (performed nigel plaskitt) - captain woof old english sheepdog came mopatop s shop in ship ahoy looking adventure. puppet used dermot in flea power.
carol croon (performed susan beattie) - carol croon pelican came mopatop s shop in animal choir purchase animal choir. recycled version of paul pelican jim henson s animal show.
charlene chicken (performed nigel plaskitt) - charlene chicken came mopatop s shop in flying chicken wanting item enable fly. recycled 1 of muppet show chickens.
chattering charlie - chattering charlie talkative character came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode.
cheery log (performed susan beattie) - log friendly. delivered mopatop s shop lamont in brave canary. recycled version of log episode 2822 of sesame street.
chester cheetah (performed susan beattie) - appears in swapsies 1 of suggestions s seen briefly wearing woolly socks. recycled version of swifty cheetah jim henson s animal show.
cinderfella (performed nigel plaskitt) - cinderfella came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode new suit when wicked stepbrothers have hidden suit owns. recycled version of emerald green frackle muppet show.
clicksnizz (performed nigel plaskitt) - clicksnizz moon creature came mopatop s shop in moon dreams after lost favorite dream stars. due clicksnizz speaking moon creature language, mopatop had interpret language puppyduck. recycled version of begoony fraggle rock.
corky stalky (performed nigel plaskitt) - corky stalky scarecrow came mopatop s shop in how scary way scare scary mary canary.
crispy clown - crispy clown came mopatop s shop in rosy nosey silly hat, ruff collar, , big red nose.
daphne dreamer (performed susan beattie) - daphne dreamer came mopatop s shop in mattresses looking empty mattress because hers full of sleep, of them full well. design similar 1 of whozits of wubbulous world of dr. seuss, eyes different , has blond curly wig , wears blue pajamas.
dave dog (performed brian herring) - appeared in episode brave canary 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. ask mopatop big juicy bone had offered viewers. dave thanked mopatop saying best mopatop in world. puppet appeared in tv series.
dave dragon - dave dragon came mopatop s shop in knight fight wanted purchase knight can fight it.
dave dustbin - dave dustbin came mopatop s shop in smells in order new smell.
delmar dragon (performed brian herring) - delmar dragon came mopatop s shop in dragon breath in order search fire breathe. recycled version earl dragon puppetman pilot.
dermot (performed nigel plaskitt) - dermot old english sheepdog came mopatop s shop scratch in flea power. in fast fun, came shop again tell mopatop has slow feet.
dirty gerty (performed susan beattie) - dirty gerty african wild dog came mopatop s shop in load of old rubbish find smelly sock matches hers. used eugene hunting dog on jim henson s animal show.
do wah - wah featured in self-titled episode. when mopatop , puppyduck want hear sing, isn t in mood.
dora dinner lady - dora dinner lady disco diva came mopatop s shop in dora disco queen in order obtain disco.
doreen warthog (performed susan beattie) - doreen warthog came mopatop s shop in fine way wanted in photograph. recycled version of warthog puppet used bernice warthog , warren warthog jim henson s animal show.
dotty monster (performed nigel plaskitt) - dotty monster came mopatop s shop in warm snow came mopatop s shop purchase warm snow. recycled version of murray minstrel fraggle rock.
dozy dieter (performed nigel plaskitt) - dozy deter owl came mopatop s shop in mattresses vacuum sleep mattresses daphne dreamer can sleep on one. recycled version of owl puppet used hillary owl , timothy owl seen in jim henson s animal show.
dozy doe - dozy doe came mopatop s shop in hullabaloo in order sleep despite problems noisy elephants , thunderstorms.
dr. zuckermonster - dr. zuckermonster came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode patients.
dream collector (performed nigel plaskitt) - dream collector dragon came mopatop s shop in dream dream new dreams. recycled version earl dragon puppetman pilot.
dusty dustman (performed brian herring) - dusty dustman came mopatop s shop in load of old rubbish swap rubbish contents of shop s bin. ends leaving behind many useful things, including old sock , stop baby mouse crying. recycled version of anthony jim henson hour.
ed (performed brian herring) - ed came mopatop s shop in happy flapper when wanted obtain happy flapper use in song. recycled version of 1 of aliens muppet show.
emerson dog - emerson dog came mopatop s shop in thinking cap thinking cap.
fairy frogmother (performed susan beattie) - fairy frogmother frog came mopatop s shop in cinderfella in order mopatop obtain new suit cinderfella. recycled version of generic frog muppet show.
fast furry 5 - fast furry 5 girl band came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode fifth member missing.
fat belly - fat belly came mopatop s shop in colour me mopatop sad songs plays on guitar ends turning blue.
ferdinand fish (performed nigel plaskitt) - came mopatop s shop in fish out of water asking swimming lessons taught veronica bird. recycled version of 1 of fazoobs muppet show.
fierce monster (performed brian herring) - fierce monster came mopatop s shop in ghosts make him laugh. recycled version of luncheon counter monster muppet show.
flash harry (performed nigel plaskitt) - flash harry photographer once took pictures of mopatop s shop in fine way are. recycled version of mudwell mudbunny fraggle rock.
flatcap frankie (performed brian herring) - flatcap frankie monster appeared in flatcap frankie s shop wants buy shop, shop mopatop offers own shop. recycled flower-eating monster of muppet show.
flower (performed susan beattie) - flower came mopatop s shop in moosey s dream find way complete dream after bunch of dandelions woke up. mopatop , puppyduck subject flower dream on dream finishing machine shown flower picked princess put in hair. after dream, flower thanked mopatop , puppyduck helping finish dream. flower used in julie andrews special, 1 step spring (where muppets had guest-starred).
the 4 birds - these birds appeared in 3 sale . in episode, 1 bird entered shop asking windowsill, since s 3 sale, mopatop offers him 3 windowsills, later on, brings friend of his, make two. moments later, brings more of friends buy 3 windowsills, makes four. finally, 3 birds re-enter shop 3 windowsills. 4 birds used in opening song take chance on me in shields & yarnell episode of muppet show, 3 of whom have dr. seuss eyes seen in wubbulous world of dr. seuss.
francis fly (voiced brian herring) - francis fly appeared in episode fly used buzzing communicate mopatop , puppyduck.
fred forget-it (performed nigel plaskitt) - fred forget-it amnesiac parrot came mopatop s shop in mischievous monkey carrying large banana, couldn t remember came for. mickey monkey (who passing himself off mopatop @ time) tricked him trading in large banana. re-entered shop when mopatop returned having lost large banana. barry spider made mickey give fred forget-it large banana mickey left fred forget-it. recycled version of 1 of background parrots muppet show.
friendly coconut (performed nigel plaskitt) - coconut appeared in special willing s friend. recycled version of 1 of coconuts of muppet show.
fuzzlegump - fuzzlegump two-headed creature came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode prove 2 heads better one.
galloping gordon (performed brian herring) - galloping gordon gnu came mopatop s shop in fast fun. recycled version of gnu puppet has been used on muppet show, jim henson s animal show, muppets tonight , sesame street.
gari baldi (performed nigel plaskitt) - gari baldi came mopatop s shop in spaghetti tree cover bald head hair.
gary canary (performed brian herring) - , owner trevor came mopatop s shop in nodding off trevor wanted keep gary keeping him @ night.
ghost (performed brian herring) - ghost came mopatop s shop in ghosts boo. recycled version of 1 of ghosts muppet show.
ginorman (performed nigel plaskitt) - ginorman gardener came mopatop s shop in mac , lollystalk looking seeds. recycled version of icky no-no muppet time.
gloop (performed nigel plaskitt) - gloop came mopatop s shop in flowers looking talking flower important special friend. gloop recycled version of murray minstrel fraggle rock.
gobbledegook - came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode tea time treat nibbly nora.
goodbyes - goodbyes appeared in goodbye items larry dinger looking close out hello & goodbye show. recycled versions of frackles, lenny lizard, , droop muppet show, , beastie, begoony, , murray minstrel fraggle rock.
granny knit wit (performed susan beattie) - granny knit wit fasted knitter. came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode ball of yarn. uses ball of yarn make scarf mopatop, nose-warmer puppyduck, , multi-colored coat joseph penguin.
granny rose (performed nigel plaskitt) - granny rose appeared in episode nothing when came mopatop s shop nothing. granny rose recycled version of begoony fraggle rock.
green monster (performed brian herring) - green monster appeared @ mopatop s shop in wanted pink , swapped colors pink monster. both of them weren t pleased given spots of colors wanted. green monster recycled version of blustering bellowpane monster fraggle rock.
grumblegrouch - grumblegrouch came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode new grumble.
guy #1 - guy koala in introduction episode ghosts. recycled version of flora koala jim henson s animal show.
guy #2 - guy lizard in introduction episode whispers. recycled version of lenny lizard muppet show.
hank horse - hank horse came mopatop s shop in want unicorn wanted become unicorn.
happy flappers - happy flappers singing group. 1 of members (performed nigel plaskitt) came mopatop s shop in happy flapper complete band s song. recycled version of 1 of members of nicky napoleon , emperor penguins little muppet monsters.
harry hidey , suzie seekie - harry hidey , suzie seekie hide-and-seek players. harry hidey came mopatop s shop in hidey seekies hide. when harry hidey proves himself hider, mopatop , puppyduck suzie seekie find him.
helpful hilma - helpful hilma came mopatop s shop in helping hands find stuff rock garden.
hester hare - hester hare came mopatop s shop in rhyme of own wanted in rhyme.
hi (performed victoria willing) - dragon seen in episode goodbye 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of cinders dragon puppetman pilot.
holly happyhog - holly happyhog happy pig came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode in order learn how cry.
horace hollar - came mopatop s shop in hullabaloo helped mopatop , puppyduck see dozy doe can sleep.
hottybotty hen - hottybotty hen seen in teething trouble lays egg in introduction. recycled version of 1 of chickens muppet show.
humphrey hobgoblin (performed nigel plaskitt) - humphrey hobgoblin came mopatop s shop in toadstool s fresher wanted give scary life , start new career friendly garden gnome. recycled version of apple green frackle muppet show.
inspector harry - inspector harry absent-minded inspector came mopatop s shop in under arrest suspects puppyduck stole missing helmet , truncheon. recycled version of officer fuzzy (or ronald) of dog city.
isabella plant - came mopatop s shop in bad leaf day in order leaves rearranged big plant show.
ivor bignose (performed susan beattie) - ivor bignose came mopatop s shop in s in name in order search new name. recycled yellow whozit wubbulous world of dr. seuss.
jenny jumpety - jenny jumpety came mopatop s shop in jumpety bumpety wanted swap skills benny bumpety.
jiggity jig (performed susan beattie) - jiggity jig came mopatop s shop in no job small. recycled version of 1 of fazoobs muppet show.
joseph penguin (performed nigel plaskitt) - joseph penguin came mopatop s shop in granny knit wit wanted deal cold. granny knit wit uses talents make him multi-colored coat. recycled muppet show penguin.
katy cactus - katy cactus came mopatop s shop in cuddle cactus wanted cuddle despite fact cactus.
kevin canary (performed nigel plaskitt) - kevin oldest of mrs. canary s chicks. came mopatop s shop in brave canary bravery first song. recycled version of generic canary seen in muppet show.
kevin koala (performed brian herring) - kevin koala came mopatop s shop in looking present mother. recycled version of flora koala jim henson s animal show.
larry dinger (performed nigel plaskitt) - larry dinger appeared in goodbye . hosted last episode of hello & goodbye show , doesn t have big goodbye end it, needs goodbye big enough @ mopatop s shop save day. when none of goodbyes enough, mopatop , puppyduck receive lamont sloth, odd-job gerald, translator, roley moley, mr. fisher, meesey mouse, singalotti, bouncing pengolinos, , others. enough larry dinger pull off biggest goodbye takes them goodbye on hello & goodbye show. recycled blue whatnot muppet (the same pattern used announcer on gene kelly episode of muppet show, time caster on third episode of jim henson hour, among others).
larry dog (performed brian herring) - larry dog old dog came mopatop s shop in old dog, new tricks in order learn new tricks. recycled lyle dog of muppet show.
lazlo lion (performed brian herring) - lazlo lion appeared in singa songa. friend of bradley cheetah. came mopatop s shop when heard bradley s song dedicated him , appreciated it. though lazlo did wonder pulled off lion roars. bradley , lazlo leave go chase gazelles. in moosey s dream, lazlo lion came mopatop s shop looking complete dream disrupted when herd of zebras woke him up. mopatop , puppyduck subject him dream-on dream finishing machine dream shows lioness has found lazlo attractive. recycled version of lion puppet used chuck lion , malcolm lion jim henson s animal show.
lickety spit (performed nigel plaskitt) - lickety spit came mopatop s shop in teething trouble wanted new teeth. recycled version of 1 of fazoobs muppet show.
little miss kissy kiss (performed louise gold) - little miss kissy kiss ostrich came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode looking kiss. when lamont ends kissing her, ends falling asleep causing mopatop , puppyduck find right character give little miss kissy kiss kiss wake up. recycled version of ostrich puppet used lydia ostrich jim henson s animal show , ms. henrietta vanderpreen bear in big blue house.
lyndon lion (performed nigel plaskitt) - lyndon lion came mopatop s shop in perfect tail find new tail. recycled version of lion puppet used chuck lion , malcolm lion jim henson s animal show.
mac giant - mac giant came mopatop s shop in mac , lollystalk giant beans.
magic teeny (performed nigel plaskitt) - magic teeny small genie appeared in episode magic teeny when puppyduck accidentally dusted off lamp. magic teeny recycled version of philo fraggle rock.
mama moo-cha-cha (performed susan beattie) - mama moo-cha-cha female pig came mopatop s shop in spaghetti tree .
mamoon (performed nigel plaskitt) - mamoon aye-aye loves nightlife , came mopatop s shop in oh, night mopatop can make night her. recycled version of aye-aye puppet used billy bob lemur , mel lemur jim henson s animal show.
manny , minnie (performed brian herring , susan beattie) - 2 rabbit siblings came mopatop s shop in secret in order find place keep minnie s secret.
mansell monkey (performed brian herring) - came mopatop s shop in big bicycle race find way win bicycle race. recycled version of quongo gorilla muppet show.
marcie tooth fairy - marcie came mopatop s shop in mr. philling s teeth in order deal problems of magic teeth mr. philling brought shop.
marsha mouldylocks (performed louise gold) - marsha mouldylocks lion actress came mopatop s shop in mouldylocks , 3 pears stuff play. recycled version of lion puppet used chuck lion , malcolm lion on jim henson s animal show, green woman wig.
marvin mudmaker (performed nigel plaskitt) - came mopatop s shop in episode mud wanted buy mud. recycled version of tug monster little muppet monsters.
mary gorilla (performed nigel plaskitt) - mary gorilla came mopatop s shop in hairy princess wanted princess. recycled version of gorilla puppet used lenny gorilla , gilda gorilla jim henson s animal show.
mervyn muddle -
mickey monkey (performed brian herring) - mickey monkey came mopatop s shop in mischievous monkey sends mopatop , puppyduck on wild goose chase find clock doesn t tell time. proceeds pass himself mopatop , sends fred forget-it away while taking banana. barry spider (who playing poker moosey mouse s parents) learned moosey happened , able set him straight mickey leaves fred forget-it , banana. recycled version of hector spider monkey jim henson s animal show.
midip (performed nigel plaskitt) - imaginary friend came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode friend. midip ends making friends becka bicker. recycled version of inkspot fraggle rock.
mighty mongoose (performed nigel plaskitt) - mighty mongoose mongoose superhero came mopatop s shop in gluey gloop replace old cape. recycled ernie mongoose of jim henson s animal show.
miss corner (performed susan beattie) - miss corner gorilla came mopatop s shop in square puppyduck accidentally ordered circles instead of squares. recycled version of quongo gorilla muppet show.
miss leaf (performed susan beattie) - miss leaf mole came mopatop s shop in seed looking plant learn mr. seed had bought last one. ended planting seed turned plant, miss leaf wanted seed anyway. recycled version of magda mole muppets tonight.
mmmrrr (performed alison mcgowan) - came mopatop s shop in episode whoop mmmrrr zingading , whoop want buy zingading. recycled version of blue frackle muppet show.
mo momo (performed nigel plaskitt) - mo momo came mopatop s shop in mouse count 3 more toy mice add toy mouse collection. recycled version of icky no-no muppet time.
monty gorilla (performed nigel plaskitt) - monty gorilla came mopatop s shop in monty s fuzzy wuzz wanted replace outgrown fuzzy wuzz. recycled version of gorilla puppet used lenny gorilla , gilda gorilla jim henson s animal show.
mr. curly twirly (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. curly twirly customer in episode wind. before can looking for, wind puppyduck accidentally unleashed blows hat off head. puppyduck helps him catch , decides come after have captured wind. recycled version of unnamed purple monster muppet christmas carol (where paired beggar on crutch) , muppet treasure island (where appeared pirate) seen on cover of kermit learns how computers work (with brool minstrel , kermit frog) , in wubbulous world of dr. seuss episode there s nothing fear in here fiff-a-ma-toze.
mr. dillo (performed brian herring) - mr. dillo armadillo came mopatop s shop in special. recycled version of dooley armadillo jim henson s animal show.
mr. easy peasy (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. easy peasy came mopatop s shop in easy peasy looking hard do. puppet recycled version of unnamed monster (later named pokey on muppet takeover episode of today show) appeared in prince episode of muppets tonight during tales vet segment.
mr. fish (performed brian herring) - mr. fish came mopatop s shop in smells because supposed order fishy smell mistakenly got flower smell. mopatop , puppyduck had use special machine exchange smell mrs. flower s smell. recycled version of generic fish puppet used in jim henson hour, muppets tonight, , wubbulous world of dr. seuss.
mr. eeoh - mr. eeoh came mopatop s shop in ah ee when singatone appears broken.
mr. fisher (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. fisher fisherman came mopatop s shop in fishing supplies fishing trip. in flower leader, mr. fisher came mopatop s shop when follow leader flowers give him trouble. in goodbye, mr. fisher came mopatop s shop give larry dinger big goodbye final episode of hello & goodbye show. recycled version of icky no-no muppet time.
mr. grizzle (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. grizzle came mopatop s shop in mr. grizzle s laugh looking laugh. recycled version of gray frackle muppet show.
mr. holiday (performed nigel plaskitt) - came mopatop s shop in no sea complaining mountain in do-it-yourself beach kit. able trade ms. trekker had opposite problem. puppet recycled version of unnamed monster (later named pokey on muppet takeover episode of today show) appeared in prince episode of muppets tonight during tales vet segment.
mr. hoofit (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. hoofit came mopatop s shop in dancin in shop sell dances. recycled version of mudwell mudbunny fraggle rock.
mr. philling - mr. philling came mopatop s shop in mr. philling s teeth arrives selection of magic teeth.
mr. puniverse (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. puniverse came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode helps mopatop move mountain in box , gets carried way tidying shop. recycled pink whatnot muppets tonight.
mr. seed (performed nigel plaskitt) - customer in episode seed. mr. seed recycled version of murray minstrel fraggle rock.
mr. warble (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. warble turkey came mopatop s shop in animal choir animal choir, last animal choir given carol croon. mopatop , puppyduck end helping mr. warble find different choir him. recycled version of christmas turkey muppet family christmas.
mr. warthog (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. warthog came mopatop s shop in episode flowers buy flowers thank you, mom. mr. warthog recycled version of warthog puppet used bernice warthog , warren warthog in jim henson s animal show.
mr. whisper (performed nigel plaskitt) - mr. whisper came mopatop s shop in whispers looking voice. mr. whisper recycled version of gray frackle muppet show.
mr. wolf (performed brian herring) - mr. wolf came mopatop s shop in whizzy had ordered whizzy. recycled version of johnny wolf jim henson s animal show.
mrs. carey-sharey (performed susan beattie) - mrs. carey-sharey porcupine came mopatop s shop in rude dude gave him fuzzlies. recycled porcupine billy bunny s animal songs , muppet christmas carol.
mrs. chicken (performed brian herring) - mrs. chicken came mopatop s shop in flowers return flower says thank mom. recycled 1 of chickens of muppet show.
mrs. crochety - mrs. crochety came mopatop s shop in silly things clock won t tell time.
mrs. crocodile (performed brian herring) - mrs. crocodile came mopatop s shop in episode mud looking swamp. recycled version of crocodile puppet used sly crocodile , frankie crocodile jim henson s animal show.
mrs. dragon - mrs. dragon scatterbrained dragon came mopatop s shop in s in egg egg fire picture on suspected 1 of eggs.
mrs. flibbertigibbet (performed susan beattie) - mrs. flibbertigibbet english springer spaniel came mopatop s shop in bright ideas looking idea. recycled version of terri springer dog city.
mrs. flower (performed susan beattie) - mrs. flower lilac came mopatop s shop in smells because supposed order flower smell mistakenly got fishy smell. mopatop , puppyduck had use special machine exchange smell mr. fish s smell. recycled version of 1 of flowers on muppet show.
mrs. fox (performed susan beattie) - mrs. fox came mopatop s shop in hop shop when heard hopping sound. recycled version of virginia red fox jim henson s animal show.
mrs. hyena - mrs. hyena came mopatop s shop in lots of laughs in search of new laugh. recycled version of lazlo hyena jim henson s animal show.
mrs. loopy - mrs. loopy came mopatop s shop in mouse count needs 2 more circles.
mrs. tiger (performed susan beattie) - mrs. tiger came mopatop s shop in special looking special gift daughter tammy. recycled version of butch tiger muppet show.
mrs. warthog (performed susan beattie) - mrs. warthog came mopatop s shop in ants looking birthday cake son wendell. mrs. warthog recycled version of warthog puppet used bernice warthog , warren warthog in jim henson s animal show.
ms. trekker (performed susan beattie) - ms. trekker came mopatop s shop in no sea complaining mountain in do-it-yourself mountain kit. able trade mr. holiday had opposite problem. ms. trekker recycled version of murray minstrel fraggle rock.
musician (performed nigel plaskitt) - musician came mopatop s shop in musical sounds looking sounds music. recycled version of tug monster little muppet monsters.
nellie penguin (performed susan beattie) - appeared in hug bug mopatop offered viewer pair of green wellies belonged nellie penguin. recycled version of 1 of members of nicky napoleon , emperor penguins of little muppet monsters.
nick , rob - nick , rob robbers came mopatop s shop in robbers in shop steal each other.
ollie , sophie (performed brian herring , susan beattie) - 2 pigs visited mopatop s shop in sorry. ollie recycled version of snorty muppets tonight.
omar owl (performed nigel plaskitt) - omar owl engaged shula shark. came mopatop s shop in sea tree house house suitable them. omar recycled version of owl puppet used hillary owl , timothy owl seen in jim henson s animal show.
ozzie squid (performed nigel plaskitt) - ozzie squid came mopatop s show puddle in trouble puddle. puppet created jim henson s animal show, never used (yet later appeared in dennis quaid episode of muppets tonight).
pappy popper - pappy popper came mopatop s shop in pop star looking new pop sound. recycled version of icky no-no muppet time.
peggy porcupine (performed susan beattie) - peggy came mopatop s shop in big bicycle race find out mansell monkey is. recycled porcupine billy bunny s animal songs , muppet christmas carol.
penguin-leg pete (performed nigel plaskitt) - penguin-leg pete dog pirate has penguin leg. came mopatop s shop in penguins, pegs, , pirates wanted different leg since penguin leg keeps going every water sees , penguin-leg pete can t swim. recycled version of black dog muppet treasure island.
penny pig (performed susan beattie) - penny pig came mopatop s shop in wind looking dry off dress after had fallen puddle.
phoebe fortune teller (performed louise gold) -
pickey mickey (performed brian herring) - pickey mickey bug came mopatop s shop in hug bug looking icky mud pie. design similar 1 of inkspots of fraggle rock, has beady eyes , glasses replacing bulgy eyes.
pink monster (performed nigel plaskitt) - pink monster appeared @ mopatop s shop in wanted green , swapped colors green monster. both of them weren t pleased given spots of colors wanted. pink monster recycled version of 1 of fazoobs muppet show.
pippa pepper (performed susan beattie) - pippa pepper came mopatop s shop in teasy sneezy tried teasy sneezy sneeze ah-choo . recycled version of begoony fraggle rock.
princess (performed alison mcgowan) - in moosey s dream, mopatop , puppyduck use dream on dream finishing machine on flower shown unnamed dog princess going choose put in hair. recycled version of afghan hound muppet show.
princess lulabelle (performed louise gold) - princess lulabelle lusty princess visited mopatop s shop in self-titled episode. recycled version of shakey sanchez muppet show.
princess mirilla (performed alison mcgowan) - delivered mopatop s shop in mr. puniverse . design similar 1 of whozits of wubbulous world of dr. seuss, eyes different , has curly hair, dress, , tiara.
princess trudie (performed alison mcgowan) - came mopatop s shop in cinderfella looking prince fit nose ring cinderfella. design similar 1 of whozits of wubbulous world of dr. seuss, eyes different , has curly hair, dress, , tiara.
professor hugh mungous (performed nigel plaskitt) - professor hugh mungous inventor came mopatop s shop in bigulator had invented bigulator , wanted sell mopatop. redesigned version of anthony jim henson hour.
quickie slowgo - quicky slowgo whiz kid came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode enlisted mend rockin rowena s singa-longa-songbox in time christmas party.
rabbit (performed brian herring) - unnamed rabbit came mopatop s shop in hop shop looking round thing component trampoline. puppet later used jack rabbit in kermit s swamp years.
raging gale (performed susan beattie) - raging gale came mopatop s shop in stormy gust looking rain. recycled version of jade green frackle muppet show.
rex rattlesnake (performed nigel plaskitt) - rex rattlesnake came mopatop s shop in no job small new rattle. recycled version of rattlesnake puppet used victor rattlesnake , kiki rattlesnake jim henson s animal show.
rhino explorer (performed susan beattie) - indian rhinoceros came mopatop s shop in smart trousers buy pair of trousers fit her. recycled version of harry rhinoceros of jim henson s animal show.
rockin rowena - rockin rowena came mopatop s shop in quickie slowgo singa-longa-songbox fixed.
roley moley (performed nigel plaskitt) - mole came looking materials sign, fence, , garden in way garden. in goodbye, roley moley came mopatop s shop give larry dinger big goodbye final episode of hello & goodbye show. recycled version of magda mole muppets tonight.
royal tailor - royal tailor came mopatop s shop in clothes fit king in order find right material make clothes king.
rude dude (performed nigel plaskitt) - rude dude mean customer makes noise in self-titled episode. recycled version of beastie fraggle rock.
rudy monster (performed nigel plaskitt) - rudy monster came mopatop s shop in episode hiccups hiccups. rudy monster recycled version of mudwell mudbunny fraggle rock.
scary mary (performed louise gold) - scary mary canary appeared in how scary that? corky stalky tried buy hat can scare her. recycled version of generic canary seen in muppet show.
sea monster (performed brian herring) - in ship ahoy, sea monster 1 of items offered captain woof. recycled version of luncheon counter monster muppet show.
sebert sea lion (performed brian herring) - sebert sea lion came mopatop s shop in penguins, pegs, , pirates wanted replace wooden peg leg new pet can play with. recycled version of slick sea lion jim henson s animal show.
see me not - came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode buy see me visible.
shark (performed brian herring) - unnamed shark appeared in surprises tired , not exciting. recycled version of shark puppet use achilles shark in jim henson s animal show.
shula shark (performed louise gold) - shula shark engaged omar owl. came mopatop s shop in sea tree house find house suitable both of them. recycled version of shark puppet use generic shark in muppet show.
silly stephen - silly stephen came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode silly face.
simon snail - simon snail appeared in flea power 1 of items mopatop offered viewer. in home sweet home, comes mopatop s shop new home. recycled version of snail puppet appeared in tale of bunny picnic , alicia snail in jim henson s animal show.
singalotti (performed nigel plaskitt) - italian opera singer came mopatop s shop in episode singalotti find partner sing him. in goodbye, singalotti came mopatop s shop give larry dinger big goodbye final episode of hello & goodbye show. recycled , redressed version of blustering bellowpane monster fraggle rock.
sir gooseberry (performed nigel plaskitt) - sir gooseberry knight came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode dragon fight. puppet similar green whozit wubbulous world of dr. seuss.
soaring selene - soaring salene stoat came mopatop s shop in flying carpet flying carpet. recycled version of stella stoat jim henson s animal show.
sniffly wiffler (performed brian herring) - sniffly wiffler came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode looking smells has never smelled before. sniffly wiffler recycled version of dooley armadillo jim henson s animal show.
stan music man (performed brian herring) - stan music man came mopatop s shop in stan one-man band unusual musical instruments, ending helping out singalotti, flea orchestra has fled. puppet similar light turquoise bird-like whozit wubbulous world of dr. seuss.
stormy gust (performed brian herring) - stormy gust came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode rain because couldn t summon any. recycled version of apple green frackle muppet show.
tallulah twinketoes - tallulah twinkletoes ballerina came mopatop s shop in runaway socks buy socks.
teasy sneezy (performed nigel plaskitt) - teasy sneezy came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode looking way sneeze. recycled version of luncheon counter monster muppet show.
tickly tummy (performed susan beattie) - tickly tummy appeared during intro of fast fun mopatop tickles tummy. recycled version of inkspot fraggle rock.
thistle (performed susan beattie) - thistle plant appears in episode flowers moosey mouse gives advice else wouldn t overlook her. recycled version of 1 of flowers muppet show.
the 3 pansies - these 3 flowers sang 3 best in episode 3 sale .
the 3 pigeons - 3 pigeons appeared in 3 sale during song 3 best . while used in dennis quaid episode of muppets tonight, 1 of them later used waldo f. sterling in episode of wubbulous world of dr. seuss (because of dr. seuss eyes).
the 3 pleases - 3 pleases 3 creatures appeared on desk in 3 sale . recycled versions of inskpots fraggle rock.
tickleme (performed nigel plaskitt) - tickleme came mopatop s shop in s in name in order search new name. recycled version of lyle dog of muppet show.
the translator - translator came mopatop s shop in goodbye give larry dinger big goodbye final episode of hello & goodbye show. recycled 1 of forest creatures seen in kokomo music video.
tosca weenie - tosca weenie conductor comes mopatop s shop in flea orchestra in order baton conduct flea orchestra.
trevor pig (performed nigel plaskitt) - trevor pig came mopatop s shop in nodding off looking night sleep when pet canary gary has been keeping him @ night. recycled version of snorty muppets tonight.
trousers (performed nigel plaskitt) - appeared in smart trousers can t find buy him, when chases customers around shop shouting try me on!
upsy daisy (performed nigel plaskitt) - upsy daisy inventing opossum installed upside down button in mopatop s shop in episode upsy daisy. recycled 1 of forest creatures seen in kokomo music video.
vanilla gorilla - vanilla gorilla came mopatop s shop in ice screams gives mopatop , puppyduck machine makes ice cream in flavor. recycled version of gorilla puppet used lenny gorilla , gilda gorilla jim henson s animal show.
veronica bird (performed susan beattie) - came mopatop s shop in fish out of water s 1 teach ferdinand fish swimming lessons - drawback being can t swim either. used hortense hornbill on jim henson s animal show.
vulture (performed brian herring) - unnamed vulture came mopatop s shop in no mice sale looking small , furry. recycled version of guffrey vulture jim henson s animal show.
weirdy beardy - weirdy beardy came mopatop s shop in self-titled episode new beard.
wendell wizard (performed brian herring) - magician lizard restores mopatop , puppyduck normal after had been turned pigs in wizard s wand. recycled , redressed version of lenny lizard muppet show.
whoop (performed susan beattie) - came mopatop s shop in episode whoop mmmrrr zingading , mmmrrr want buy zingading. recycled version of pink frackle muppet show.
wordy birdy - wordy birdy came mopatop s shop in again again looking new word.
worry wart (performed nigel plaskitt) - worry wart came mopatop s shop in episode worries when had worry problem. recycled version of inkspot fraggle rock.
young monster (performed nigel plaskitt) - young monster came mopatop s shop in surprise interesting. recycled version of icky no-no muppet time.
zeke (performed brian herring) - zeke appeared in episode singa songa 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of droop muppet show.
zelda (performed susan beattie) - zelda appeared in episode grand slam learns not vent rage slamming doors. recycled version of pink frackle muppet show.


clickety clickers - seen in home sweet home when mopatop offers them viewers. recycled version of 2 of muppaphone puppets muppet show.
dan s (performed brian herring , susan beattie) - dan s appear in episode dancin in shop 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of aliens muppet show.
diddly-dums (performed brian herring) - appeared in episode singalotti 1 of items mopatop offers viewers.
dings - appeared in episode no mice sale 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of 2 of muppaphone puppets muppet show.
grunt bag - grunt bag appeared in hop shop 1 of items offered viewer mopatop. recycled version of grunt bag ghost of faffner hall.
jabbering jars (performed susan beattie , brian herring) - seen in episode flying chicken 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of 2 of muppaphone puppets muppet show.
king gnu - king gnu appeared in introduction episode flowers 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of gnu puppet has been used on muppet show, jim henson s animal show, , muppets tonight.
la-ti-da (performed susan beattie) - appeared in introduction episode flatcap frankie s shop 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled magenta whatnot muppet show.
nincompoop (performed nigel plaskitt) - appeared in wrong ringer 1 of items mopatop offers viewer. recycled version of droop muppet show.
shouting yelly (performed brian herring) - shouting yelly appears in episode trouble puddle 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of muppaphones muppet show.
sigh (performed susan beattie) - sigh appears in episode whispers 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of 1 of muppaphone puppets muppet show.
sneezes - appeared in episode ship ahoy 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled version of 2 of mupphaphone puppets muppet show.
whispering log (performed victoria willing) - log appeared in musical sounds 1 of items offered viewers mopatop. recycled version of log episode 2822 of sesame street.
wowers (performed alison mcgowan , susan beattie) - wowers appeared in episode thank 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled versions of muppaphones muppet show.
ziggity zest - ziggity zest appeared in episode secret 1 of items mopatop offers viewers ziggity zest getting dressed. recycled version of droop muppet show.
zingading (performed brian herring) - appeared in episode whoop mmmrrr zingading 1 of items mopatop offers viewers. recycled green whozit wubbulous world of dr. seuss.


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