Norwegian dominion Kintyre

magnus dragging boat across isthmus, depicted in 1899 book

in 1093, magnus, norwegian king, launched military campaign assert authority on isles. malcolm, king of scotland, responded written agreement, accepting magnus had sovereign authority of on western lands magnus encircle boat. unspecific wording led magnus have boat dragged across narrow isthmus @ tarbert, while rode within it, thereby acquire kintyre, in addition more natural islands of arran , bute.

supposedly, magnus s campaign had been part of conspiracy against malcolm, donalbain, malcolm s younger brother. when malcolm killed in battle short time later, donalbain invaded, seized scottish kingdom, , displaced malcolm s sons throne; on becoming king, donalbain confirmed magnus gains. donalbain s apparent keenness this, however, weakened support among nobility, , malcolm s son, duncan, able depose him.

a few years later, following rebellion against magnus authority in isles, launched another, fiercer, expedition. in 1098, aware of magnus actions, new scottish king, edgar (another son of malcolm), quitclaimed magnus sovereign authority on isles, , whole of kintyre , knapdale.

saddell abbey, founded reginald, son of somerled

in mid 12th century, somerled, husband of godred crovan s granddaughter, led successful revolt against norway, transforming suðreyjar (including kintyre) independent kingdom. after death, nominal norwegian authority re-established, de-facto authority split between somerled s sons , crovan dynasty. exact allocation somerled s sons unclear, following family dispute, donald, somerled s grandson, acquired kintyre, knapdale, islay, , jura. donald s father, reginald, established saddell abbey, in 1207.

in mid 13th century, increased tension between norway , scotland led series of battles, culminating in battle of largs, shortly after norwegian king died. in 1266, more peaceable successor ceded nominal authority on suðreyjar scottish king (alexander iii) treaty of perth, in return large sum of money. although alexander iii acknowledged semi-independent authority of somerled s heirs, did not give them control of mainland territory scottish forces had taken during strife, including parts of kintyre.


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