Main features Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

1 main features

1.1 overview of features
1.2 procedures moving lmos across borders

1.2.1 advance informed agreement
1.2.2 lmos intended food or feed, or processing

1.3 handling, transport, packaging , identification
1.4 biosafety clearing-house

main features
overview of features

the protocol promotes biosafety establishing rules , procedures safe transfer, handling, , use of lmos, specific focus on transboundary movements of lmos. features set of procedures including 1 lmos intentionally introduced environment called advance informed agreement procedure, , 1 lmos intended used directly food or feed or processing. parties protocol must ensure lmos handled, packaged , transported under conditions of safety. furthermore, shipment of lmos subject transboundary movement must accompanied appropriate documentation specifying, among other things, identity of lmos , contact point further information. these procedures , requirements designed provide importing parties necessary information needed making informed decisions whether or not accept lmo imports , handling them in safe manner.

the party of import makes decisions in accordance scientifically sound risk assessments. protocol sets out principles , methodologies on how conduct risk assessment. in case of insufficient relevant scientific information , knowledge, party of import may use precaution in making decisions on import. parties may take account, consistent international obligations, socio-economic considerations in reaching decisions on import of lmos.

parties must adopt measures managing risks identified risk assessment, , must take necessary steps in event of accidental release of lmos.

to facilitate implementation, protocol establishes biosafety clearing-house parties exchange information, , contains number of important provisions, including capacity-building, financial mechanism, compliance procedures, , requirements public awareness , participation.

procedures moving lmos across borders
advance informed agreement

the advance informed agreement (aia) procedure applies first intentional transboundary movement of lmos intentional introduction environment of party of import. includes 4 components: notification party of export or exporter, acknowledgment of receipt of notification party of import, decision procedure, , opportunity review of decisions. purpose of procedure ensure importing countries have both opportunity , capacity assess risks may associated lmo before agreeing import. party of import must indicate reasons on decisions based (unless consent unconditional). party of import may, @ time, in light of new scientific information, review , change decision. party of export or notifier may request party of import review decisions.

however, protocol s aia procedure not apply categories of lmos:

lmos in transit;
lmos destined contained use;
lmos intended direct use food or feed or processing

while protocol s aia procedure not apply categories of lmos, parties have right regulate importation on basis of domestic legislation. there allowances in protocol declare lmos exempt application of aia procedure.

lmos intended food or feed, or processing

lmos intended direct use food or feed, or processing (lmos-ffp) represent large category of agricultural commodities. protocol, instead of using aia procedure, establishes more simplified procedure transboundary movement of lmos-ffp. under procedure, party must inform other parties through biosafety clearing-house, within 15 days, of decision regarding domestic use of lmos may subject transboundary movement.

decisions party of import on whether or not accept import of lmos-ffp taken under domestic regulatory framework consistent objective of protocol. developing country party or party economy in transition may, in absence of domestic regulatory framework, declare through biosafety clearing-house decisions on first import of lmos-ffp taken in accordance risk assessment set out in protocol , time frame decision-making.

handling, transport, packaging , identification

the protocol provides practical requirements deemed contribute safe movement of lmos. parties required take measures safe handling, packaging , transportation of lmos subject transboundary movement. protocol specifies requirements on identification setting out information must provided in documentation should accompany transboundary shipments of lmos. leaves room possible future development of standards handling, packaging, transport , identification of lmos meeting of parties protocol.

each party required take measures ensuring lmos subject intentional transboundary movement accompanied documentation identifying lmos , providing contact details of persons responsible such movement. details of these requirements vary according intended use of lmos, and, in case of lmos food, feed or processing, should further addressed governing body of protocol. (article 18 of protocol, scbd 2000).

the first meeting of parties adopted decisions outlining identification requirements different categories of lmos (decision bs-i/6, scbd 2004). however, second meeting of parties failed reach agreement on detailed requirements identify lmos intended direct use food, feed or processing , need reconsider issue @ third meeting in march 2006.

biosafety clearing-house

the protocol established biosafety clearing-house (bch), in order facilitate exchange of scientific, technical, environmental , legal information on, , experience with, living modified organisms; , assist parties implement protocol (article 20 of protocol, scbd 2000). established in phased manner, , first meeting of parties approved transition pilot phase operational phase, , adopted modalities operations (decision bs-i/3, scbd 2004).


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