Political involvement David Farrar (blogger)
1 political involvement
1.1 taxpayers union
1.2 young nationals
1.3 campaign manager
1.4 political views
political involvement
taxpayers union
in 2013, farrar, jordan williams, established fiscally conservative lobby group, new zealand taxpayers union. union based on united kingdom taxpayers alliance , resulted both farrar , williams interaction group s founder, matthew elliot, through international young democrat union.
young nationals
farrar honorary life member of young nationals, due many years of service organisation.
he survived media calls resignation national secretary when arrested part in joke press release, along fellow young national michael p moore, announcing maverick national mp michael laws had been assassinated , prime minister 1 of on 10,000 suspects. joke press-release made new zealand police logo. farrar , moore subsequently arrested, not convicted of crime chose participate in diversion scheme first time offenders of minor crime. infamous fax , related media items displayed @ backbencher bar on molesworth street in wellington, across road parliament.
campaign manager
at 2005 general election farrar volunteer campaign manager national s wellington central candidate mark blumsky. blumsky defeated in attempt become electorate mp, succeeded in entering parliament via party list.
political views
farrar professes classical liberal approach politics, compromised party affiliation liberal conservative national party (for instance on state security powers vs individual rights ) , identifies moderate of center-right on political spectrum. co-chair of national s classical liberal policy advisory group @ formation in 2004. supported legalisation of prostitution , of civil unions in new zealand. farrar supports new zealand republic, , on national council of new zealand republican movement. economically views more in keeping of parties right of national party, such market fundamentalism of minority act party.
farrar has appeared before parliamentary select committees on range of issues, including electoral finance bill. publishes submissions on blog.
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