Archbishop Gerard (archbishop of York)
thirteenth-century manuscript illustration of henry i
gerard secured papal recognition of york s metropolitan see scots. subsequently consecrated roger bishop of orkney, refused consecrate thurgot see of st andrews because thurgot not recognise primacy of york. gerard gave generously monasteries of diocese; medieval chronicler hugh chantor stated thomas ii, gerard s successor, accused gerard of having dissipated diocese s endowment. king olaf of man , isles wrote g , archbishop of york, asking consecration of our bishop york, not appear have taken place under gerard or successor.
during first 4 years of henry s reign gerard 1 of king s chief advisors, along robert of meulan, count of meulan in normandy , later earl of leicester. gerard 1 of henry s greatest supporters among bishops during investiture crisis. in 1101 gerard witnessed treaty between henry , robert, count of flanders, sought far possible distance robert future conflict between henry , elder brother robert curthose, or between henry , king philip of france. after gerard s return rome restored ranulf flambard see of durham. in 1102 anselm refused consecrate 3 bishops, 2 of whom had received investiture king; gerard offered consecrate them instead, except 1 refused. 1105 onwards gerard began embrace papal position on investiture of bishops, opposed laymen investing bishops symbols of episcopal authority. part of change of position, gerard withdrew court care diocese. towards end of 1105 gerard attempted join bohemond of antioch, assembling crusading force in france, appears king henry prevented gerard s departure. in 1106 gerard wrote bohemond still preparing go on crusade, never did. @ same time, gerard working find mutually acceptable resolution investiture crisis, writing number of letters , other works supporting anselm s , pope s position. 1107 king henry , anselm had reached agreement settling dispute.
gerard agreed compromise on matter of obedience anselm. king henry proposed anselm accept witnessed oath gerard remain bound profession made anselm on consecration bishop of hereford. gerard made oath @ council of westminster in 1107. victory canterbury, not complete one, gerard avoided making written profession, , specific gerard, not office. gerard continued oppose anselm s attempts assert canterbury s primacy, 2 reconciled before gerard s death.
gerard had uneasy relationship cathedral chapter, after attempting reform cathedral clergy forcing them give wives , concubines , become ordained priests. wrote anselm in 1103 complaining of intransigence of clergy , envying anselm s better relations canterbury s chapter, composed of monks instead of secular canons made york minster s chapter. in correspondence, gerard complained of york canons refused ordained priests, thereby hoping avoid taking vow of celibacy. accused them of accepting prebends refusing live or work @ cathedral, , of focusing on narrow legal definition of celibacy without being celibate. canons argument required not maintain women in own houses, not forbidden visit or entertain women in houses belonging others. not gerard complained relationship between him , canons; latter accused gerard of impoverishing york making gifts of lands others.
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