Reflexes in Slavic languages Slavic liquid metathesis and pleophony
1 reflexes in slavic languages
1.1 ert
1.2 ort
1.3 tert , tort
1.4 tьrt , tъrt
reflexes in slavic languages
metathesis occurred in slavic dialects. in south slavic dialects (slovene, serbo-croatian, macedonian, bulgarian) in czech , slovak, metathesized vowel lengthened well.
in east slavic , lechitic branch of west slavic, outcome dependent upon proto-slavic accent: in acuted syllables, output same in south slavic , czech-slovak, on circumflexed syllables, metathesized vowel did not lengthen.
psl. = proto-slavic proper, stage before both loss of distinctive vowel length , change *a > *o
cs = common slavic, late proto-slavic, last recontructable ancestor of slavic languages
compare following reflexes:
if syllable not acuted, metathesis in west , east slavic occurred without lengthening epsl. *a retains short quantity , yields /o/; compare epsl. *ȃlkuti ( elbow ) > serbo-croatian lȃkat czech loket.
tert , tort
word-medially, on other hand, there 3 primary outcomes:
as result of dialect-specific changes occurring before , after cluster resolution (metathesis/pleophony), outcomes in various languages diverse , complex. example, in north-west lechitic (northern kashubian, slovincian, pomeranian , polabian) , east slavic, *calc , *celc merged *calc prior cluster resolution:
in polish , sorbian, metathesis occurred without lengthening: polish brzeg, mleko, groch, młot opposed ocs brěgъ, mlěko, slovene gràh, ocs mlatъ.
in north-west lechitic, *calc , *celc yielded clŭc (polabian glåvă ‘head’, å < ъ), *cerc > crec (without lengthening, in polish) while in *carc, ar becomes ŭr, word-initially under acute (polabian råmą ‘arm’ < *rъmę < *armę), did not undergo metathesis. compare polabian porsą, slovene prasè , pomerian gard (often in toponymics białogard) ocs gradъ (note unchanged ar in *gardŭ have yielded or in pomeranian).
in czech , slovak, word-medial metathesis occurred lengthening in south slavic: czech mlat, hrách, polish młot, groch /o/.
the east slavic languages have pleophonic *carc > coroc, *cerc > cerec , *calc/*celc > coloc: russian górod, béreg, mólot, molokó.
tьrt , tъrt
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