Career Sara Dary Armbruster

the j. benton young, real estate broker, in 1885

when seventeen years old, reverses left family poor , made partly helpless paralysis. obliged support herself , other members of family took irving house, hotel of ninety-five rooms, in philadelphia, , management made successful establishment , lifted herself , dependent upon above poverty. building, @ 915 , 917 walnut street, 2 venues, franklin savings fund , cyrus cadwallader, treasurer fund. when franklin savings fund failed in 1880s, building became j. benton young, real estate broker, in 1885. after converted in irving house: night’s stay @ hotel between $2.00 $2.50 in 1898 ($2 in 1898, $56.34 in 2017). in 1942 irving house replaced hotel senator. building later demolished.

she business woman, , successful 1 day on thrown upon own resources. founded in philadelphia woman s exchange.

another of enterprises furnish house infants of widows , deserted wives in native city.

she publisher of woman s journal, weekly paper devoted cause of women.


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