History Ducal Palace, Urbino

the arcaded courtyard

the construction of ducal palace begun duke federico iii da montefeltro around mid-fifteenth century florentine maso di bartolomeo. new construction included pre-existing palace of jole. solid rock hillside salient impregnable siege problematic carving out foundation of palace. thus, prominent fortress-builder, luciano laurana, dalmatia, hired build substructure; laurana departed urbino before living quarters of palace begun. after laurana, designer or designers of ducal palace unknown certainty. leading high renaissance architect donato bramante native of urbino , may have worked on completion of palace.

the ducal palace famous setting of conversations baldassare castiglione represents having taken place in hall of vigils in 1507 in book of courtier.

the palace continued in use government building 20th century, housing municipal archives , offices, , public collections of antique inscriptions , sculpture (the galleria nazionale delle marche, see below). restorations completed in 1985 have reopened extensive subterranean network visitors.


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