Liberal and mixed lodges Freemasonry in Germany

1 liberal , mixed lodges

1.1 le droit humain - deutsche jurisdiktion
1.2 humanitas - freimaurergrossloge für männer und frauen in deutschland
1.3 souveräner grossorient von deutschland (sgovd)

liberal , mixed lodges
le droit humain - deutsche jurisdiktion

the oldest mixed lodge in germany droit humain lodge goethe zum flammenden stern (goethe of blazing star), formed in 1921 in frankfurt, dissolved in 1933, , reformed on 20 november 1949. lodge played key part in establishing second lodge in munich in 1956. defection of both these lodges shifted focus of mixed masonry humanitas. droit humain has 2 lodges in germany.

humanitas - freimaurergrossloge für männer und frauen in deutschland

this grand lodge formed when lodges of droit humain felt need independent german form of mixed masonry not governed paris. oldest droit humain lodge, goethe of blazing star in frankfurt main, left in february 1959. after goethe s daughter lodge defected in same year, humanitas formed @ convention in frankfurt attended 28 male , female masons. has 13 lodges.

souveräner grossorient von deutschland (sgovd)

the recent of german grand lodges, sovereign grand orient founded in october 2002, , settled year later in offenbach main. describes umbrella organisation liberal freemasonry in germany. has 6 lodges, phoenix being travelling lodge, , terra australis based in adelaide.


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