The Religion of Israel Yehezkel Kaufmann

1 religion of israel

1.1 apostle-prophet
1.2 biblical authorship
1.3 translations
1.4 biblical commentaries

the religion of israel

kaufmann s best-known work massive תולדות האמונה הישראלית, (toledot haemunah hayisraelit) religion of israel, beginnings babylonian exile (1960), encompassing history of religion , biblical literature. work important both because of profound scope, , because offered critical approach biblical study nevertheless in opposition theories of wellhausen, dominated biblical study @ time (hyatt 1961). among kaufmann s opinions expressed in work neither symbiotic nor syncretistic relationship obtained between ancient canaanites , israelites. external influences on israelite religion occurred solely prior time of moses. however, monotheism – on kaufmann s view began @ time of moses – not result of influences surrounding cultures, solely israelite phenomenon. after adoption of monotheism, israelite belief found free mythological foundations, extent scriptures not understand paganism (which, on kauffman s view, religion other judaism, christianity, or islam (hyatt 1961)). kaufmann summed position in these words: israelite religion original creation of people of israel. absolutely different pagan world knew; monotheistic world view has no antecedents in paganism.

the occasional worship of baal never organic movement of people, instead promoted royal court, under ahab , jezebel. idol-worship scriptures speak of vestigial fetishistic idolatry, , not genuine attachment of people such forms of worship, or influence of foreign culture.

the apostle-prophet

kaufmann sees classical apostle-prophet or messenger-prophet of prophetic literature (nevi im) uniquely israelite phenomenon, culmination of long process of religious development not in way influenced surrounding cultures. position in ways quite traditional; example, accords rambam s statement yet individual should make claim prophecy on ground god had spoken him , had sent him on mission thing never heard of prior moses our master (gp i:63, s. pines, 1963). major innovation of prophets not creation of religion of israel de novo (since had existed, , had facilitated own emergence), rather unique focus on ethical aspect of religion, shift in primacy cult morality , insistence fulfillment of god s lay in moral domain.

biblical authorship

kaufmann regards non-prophetic parts of scripture reflecting earlier stage of israelite religion. while accepts existence of 3 primary sources je, p, , d, claims – in opposition wellhausen , others – p-source predates babylonian exile , deuteronomy. supporting view, according kaufmann, p-source not recognize centralization of cult, , deals issues related local sacrificial rituals. suggests historiographical parts of scripture did not receive heavy editing posited biblical criticism of time.


kaufmann s toldot ha emunah ha yisraelit massive, 4-volume work, written, of course, in hebrew. well-written , highly accessible alternative one-volume english language translation , abridgement prof. moshe greenberg, entitled religion of israel, yehezkel kaufmann, published university of chicago, 1960.

biblical commentaries

kaufmann wrote commentaries on book of joshua , book of judges.


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