Languages Somaliland

map showing distribution of afro-asiatic somali language in horn of africa

most people in somaliland speak 2 of 3 official languages: somali, arabic , english. article 6 of constitution of 2001 designates official language of somaliland somali, though arabic mandatory subject in school , used in mosques around region , english spoken , taught in schools. english proclaimed official language later, outside constitution.

the somali language belongs cushitic branch of afroasiatic family. nearest relatives afar , oromo languages. somali best documented of cushitic languages, academic studies of dating before 1900.

somali dialects divided 3 main groups: northern, benaadir , maay. northern somali (or northern-central somali) forms basis standard somali. benaadir (also known coastal somali) spoken on benadir coast cadaley south of merca, including mogadishu, in immediate hinterland. coastal dialects have additional phonemes not exist in standard somali. maay principally spoken digil , mirifle (rahanweyn) clans in southern areas of somalia.

since somali had long lost ancient script, number of writing systems have been used on years transcribing language. of these, somali alphabet used, , has been official writing script in somalia since government of former president of somalia siad barre formally introduced in october 1972.

the script developed somali linguist shire jama ahmed somali language, , uses letters of english latin alphabet except p, v , z. besides ahmed s latin script, other orthographies have been used centuries writing somali include long-established arabic script , wadaad s writing, in addition various indigenous writing systems developed in twentieth century.


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