Measures, calendrics and mathematics Inca Empire
inca tunic tokapu. textiles worn inca elite consisting of geometric figures enclosed rectangles or squares. there evidence designs ideographic language quipu, 15th century. brooklyn museum physical measures used inca based on human body parts. units included fingers, distance thumb forefinger, palms, cubits , wingspans. basic distance unit thatkiy or thatki, or 1 pace. next largest unit reported cobo topo or tupu, measuring 6,000 thatkiys, or 7.7 km (4.8 mi); careful study has shown range of 4.0 6.3 km (2.5 3.9 mi) likely. next wamani, composed of 30 topos (roughly 232 km or 144 mi). measure area, 25 50 wingspans used, reckoned in topos (roughly 3,280 km or 1,270 sq mi). seems distance interpreted 1 day s walk; distance between tambo way-stations varies in terms of distance, far less in terms of time walk distance. inca calendars tied astronomy. inca astronomers understood equinoxes, solstices , zenith passages, along venus cycle. not, howeve...